James hardy

James hardy

New member

American looking for information about Philippines

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Registration: 03 August 2023


James hardy replied to a thread
last year

Crimes of moral turpitude by karpingary69

Philippines law says they won't allow a passported visitor with a conviction for crimes of moral turpitude.What are those crimes.Do they enforce it for a 14 day visit.I have a passport and tickets for a 14 day stay.I have a felony conviction for ...

James hardy

@danfinn so they will probably reject a that type of visa, but what about other types? Would they reject a tourist visa etc. For me? Read More

James hardy replied to a thread
last year

Crimes of moral turpitude by karpingary69

Philippines law says they won't allow a passported visitor with a conviction for crimes of moral turpitude.What are those crimes.Do they enforce it for a 14 day visit.I have a passport and tickets for a 14 day stay.I have a felony conviction for ...

James hardy

@Enzyte Bob I would like to visit there, and if I like it then stay there Read More

James hardy replied to a thread
last year

Crimes of moral turpitude by karpingary69

Philippines law says they won't allow a passported visitor with a conviction for crimes of moral turpitude.What are those crimes.Do they enforce it for a 14 day visit.I have a passport and tickets for a 14 day stay.I have a felony conviction for ...

James hardy

@Larry Fisher I've been trying to research this but not enough info about cases like mine are online sadly Read More

James hardy replied to a thread
last year

Crimes of moral turpitude by karpingary69

Philippines law says they won't allow a passported visitor with a conviction for crimes of moral turpitude.What are those crimes.Do they enforce it for a 14 day visit.I have a passport and tickets for a 14 day stay.I have a felony conviction for ...

James hardy

@Enzyte Bob My state threw the book at me and didn't show any mercy Read More

James hardy replied to a thread
last year

Crimes of moral turpitude by karpingary69

Philippines law says they won't allow a passported visitor with a conviction for crimes of moral turpitude.What are those crimes.Do they enforce it for a 14 day visit.I have a passport and tickets for a 14 day stay.I have a felony conviction for ...

James hardy

@bigpearl I got convicted of murder 25 years ago at the age of 14, am I immediately barred from getting a visa to the Philippines or do they personally consider the facts of each case? My case was about an abusive family member that I couldn't ... Read More