Liberty S Mazumba

Liberty S Mazumba


Zimbabwean expat in South Africa

Forum posts


About me


Registration: 07 September 2023


Liberty S Mazumba replied to a thread
last year

Applied for Permananet Residency 26b at VFS, time period anyone? by fashyman77

we recently applied for permanent residency at vfs cape town, they said 8-10 months but i read online that it takes way longer than that, anyone applied at vfs can share their experience

Liberty S Mazumba

@Liudmila1977Good day, I have also applied for my PRP at the Rivonia office and my status is still saying the same. It has been more than 16 months now since I applied. May you please me with the details of those in the minister:s office so that i ... Read More

Liberty S Mazumba replied to a thread
last year

Applied for Permananet Residency 26b at VFS, time period anyone? by fashyman77

we recently applied for permanent residency at vfs cape town, they said 8-10 months but i read online that it takes way longer than that, anyone applied at vfs can share their experience

Liberty S Mazumba

@Liudmila1977Good day , I have also applied for my PRP at the Rivonia office and it has been more than a year (APPROXIMATELY 16 MONTHS NOW) and my status on the VFS tracking website is still saying the same thing as it has been  for more than a ... Read More