Scott Maynard

Scott Maynard

New member

South African looking for information about Zimbabwe

Forum posts


About me

South African

Registration: 14 September 2023


Scott Maynard replied to a thread
last year
Al Sparks

Help I need a copy of my Rhodesian birth certificate by Al Sparks

Please Help, I am trying to help my ex wife get a copy of her birth certificate, she was born in Rhodesia 1961, she has lived in England since she was 5 years old, can someone please help.. we have tried the Zimbabwean embassy but the phone is ...

Scott Maynard

@garthcamp is there any chance you could DM me his contact details? This seems to be a common issue 🤣 Read More

Scott Maynard replied to a thread
last year
Al Sparks

Help I need a copy of my Rhodesian birth certificate by Al Sparks

Please Help, I am trying to help my ex wife get a copy of her birth certificate, she was born in Rhodesia 1961, she has lived in England since she was 5 years old, can someone please help.. we have tried the Zimbabwean embassy but the phone is ...

Scott Maynard

@Nealieboyee is there any chance you could DM me his contact details? This seems to be a common issue 🤣 Read More

Scott Maynard replied to a thread
last year
Al Sparks

Help I need a copy of my Rhodesian birth certificate by Al Sparks

Please Help, I am trying to help my ex wife get a copy of her birth certificate, she was born in Rhodesia 1961, she has lived in England since she was 5 years old, can someone please help.. we have tried the Zimbabwean embassy but the phone is ...

Scott Maynard

@rocker4life75 is there any chance you could DM me his contact details? This seems to be a common issue 🤣 Read More

Scott Maynard replied to a thread
last year
Al Sparks

Help I need a copy of my Rhodesian birth certificate by Al Sparks

Please Help, I am trying to help my ex wife get a copy of her birth certificate, she was born in Rhodesia 1961, she has lived in England since she was 5 years old, can someone please help.. we have tried the Zimbabwean embassy but the phone is ...

Scott Maynard

@Al Sparks is there any chance you could DM me his contact details? This seems to be a common issue 🤣 Read More