Naseer jan

Naseer jan

New member

Pakistani looking for information about Oman


3 posts

About me


Registration: 25 October 2023


Naseer jan created a thread
last year

Crossing yellow single

Last night I crossed yellow single not red just yellow and camera flashed on my car can u plz explain Read More

Naseer jan replied to a thread
last year

Cross yellow light signal by bupasuan2017

Dear All, Kindly need your help to answer my below question: Today, when I drive my car to cross the traffic signal in muscat, the green light began to flash, but my car close to line, too late to stop, then continue to drive ahead, almost tough ...

Naseer jan

@bupasuan2017Dear last night I crossed yellow single not red just yellow but camera flashed my car so plz can you explain Read More

Naseer jan replied to a thread
last year

Cross yellow light signal by bupasuan2017

Dear All, Kindly need your help to answer my below question: Today, when I drive my car to cross the traffic signal in muscat, the green light began to flash, but my car close to line, too late to stop, then continue to drive ahead, almost tough ...

Naseer jan

@MasoodkahloonDear sir I crossed yellow single not red just yellow and camera flashed on Can you explain plz Read More