Scottish expat in Bulgaria
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ivaylovgrad
Speaks English
Registration: 06 January 2012

Making phone calls in Gambia by Maximilien
Hi, When settling in Gambia, one of the priorities is to be able to make phone calls. How to proceed to get a landline installed in Gambia? What are the mobile operators? What is your average monthly budget? Thank you in advance for ...

the answers to most of your questions depend on the precise location to which you are moving in The Gambia. This link http://www.accessgambia.com/extra/internet-service-providers-isps.html will show you current mobile providers. The ... Read More

Can't find a place to live ! by Chrisfromtdot
My wife and I are relocating back to Scotland for work. I work in the tech industry and I've been offered an amazing opportunity in Edinburgh that starts in 4 weeks from today. We've been looking for a place to rent for nearly 3 months now ...

It is a mistake to write off whole areas as mediocre based on the opinion of one person. If you need speciffic advice on a specific area please ask. There are excellent part of Sighthill and others not so good but that would be pretty obvious when ... Read More

Can't find a place to live ! by Chrisfromtdot
My wife and I are relocating back to Scotland for work. I work in the tech industry and I've been offered an amazing opportunity in Edinburgh that starts in 4 weeks from today. We've been looking for a place to rent for nearly 3 months now ...

Moving to a new country is always a challenge in which the smallest detail can prove to be the undoing of a grand plan. If your job is in Edinburgh the option of living outside Edinburgh may not be realistic simply because of travelling costs, which ... Read More

How does the schooling work...public/private? by kpearson
Hi there, our kids go to a co ed school, both boys and girls and we want the same if possible for them in Scotland. Are the public schools good there or do we need to pay for private? Are schooling in Canada is good I think. We get free public ...

Public Schools in Scotland are just that. the confusion between Public School and Private school is entirely an English problem. In England people talk of State schools which every child has the right to attend free of charge and Public schools ... Read More

Immigrating to Scotland by KlareB
I'm in high school in the US, and my goal in life is to live on a small farm of my own in Scotland (I know, It's a bit early in my life to plan it all out, but I've wanted this since I was little, and I love planning things). My plan is ...

If only you could apply for Scottish citizenship! That time, sadly, is still some way off but you can still come here on a British visa and my suggestion would be to read the information on the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) website ... Read More

where to look and whats a reasonable price? by Lensta64
as above........where to look and whats a reasonable price to pay considering some work needs to done i quite like the thought of near the south turkish border,any advice be keen to hear. anyone heard of - velikoproperty.com are they reputable ?

It depends on how keen you are to have ex-pat neighbours but if you prefer the south and like decent weather then I'd recommend the area around Ivaylovgrad. Prices are excellent for unrenovated property and the lifestyle is live the UK in the ... Read More

Can anyone tell me about the estate agents Yantra Homes? by Lizzy Loo2
Can anyone tell me about the estate agents Yantra Homes? I have seen a nice property with them and they seem very professional. Also, any comments on Novo Selo. Looks like a nice village.

Your description of the agency does not match that I have heard fro people using them to sell their homes and I know at lest one example of them overpricing property by as much as 25% Read More

Purchasing Property by Boddy
Hello. Where would be a good place to look in order to buy property in Gambia? I would like to browse listings where locals might look/list their properties and not 'tourist' priced properties. Thanks, Bod.

Where to look for a property in The Gambia depends on many things but first off, expect to be seriously ripped off if you use an agent. After that the ways of finding a property are many and various. There are several large (in Gambian terms) ... Read More

The other side of the Bulgarian postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...

The scenes of sylvan delight with old men perch atop wooden, horse-drawn wagons, fertile soil producing blemish-free vegetables with a depth of flavour lost in supermarket shopping are the almost unbelievable truth of this early twenty-first ... Read More

Searching for good & honest Conveyancing Solicitor firm! by xpatbg
Hi all, I'm looking for a good & honest / reliable Law firm or Solicitor for the conveyancing of a Bulgarian residential property. Could anyone recommend from your experience? Or anyone you have found to be the best, please let me know? That would ...

The whole point of this thread is to help the poster. He said: "I'm looking for a good & honest / reliable Law firm or Solicitor for the conveyancing of a Bulgarian residential property. Could anyone recommend from your experience? Or anyone you ... Read More

Searching for good & honest Conveyancing Solicitor firm! by xpatbg
Hi all, I'm looking for a good & honest / reliable Law firm or Solicitor for the conveyancing of a Bulgarian residential property. Could anyone recommend from your experience? Or anyone you have found to be the best, please let me know? That would ...

The function of the Notary in Bulgaria bears no relation to the function of the solicitor in either Bulgaria or the UK. I simply do not understand your suggestion that anyone is trying to apply what happens in the UK to what happens in Bulgaria. Up ... Read More

Searching for good & honest Conveyancing Solicitor firm! by xpatbg
Hi all, I'm looking for a good & honest / reliable Law firm or Solicitor for the conveyancing of a Bulgarian residential property. Could anyone recommend from your experience? Or anyone you have found to be the best, please let me know? That would ...

Absolutely correct, nobody is forced to buy property anywhere. I do not, however, see what point you are making. The original poster asked for advice and that is what I offered. Clearly he is a liberty to take or reject the advice and anyone, ... Read More

Searching for good & honest Conveyancing Solicitor firm! by xpatbg
Hi all, I'm looking for a good & honest / reliable Law firm or Solicitor for the conveyancing of a Bulgarian residential property. Could anyone recommend from your experience? Or anyone you have found to be the best, please let me know? That would ...

I know nothing about the Estate Agency you mention so cannot comment on them. I will, however, comment on the practice of an estate agent providing a buyer with legal services - it is in my opinion completely unacceptable. In the UK it is actually ... Read More

Searching for good & honest Conveyancing Solicitor firm! by xpatbg
Hi all, I'm looking for a good & honest / reliable Law firm or Solicitor for the conveyancing of a Bulgarian residential property. Could anyone recommend from your experience? Or anyone you have found to be the best, please let me know? That would ...

When you find one please let me know. I have found that part of the problem is solicitors here often have the attitude one used to find in the UK - I know better because I'm the solicitor, you don't need to ask questions, I know all you need to know ... Read More

Learning Bulgarian - Mutual Support Group by worldlywanderer
I have just moved to Bulgaria and need to learn to speak Bulgarian but there are no other people I can find close to me who have the same need. It seems to me that Skype is the perfect solution. A group of like minded people, some British, some ...

If advertising is genuinely not permitted then why is a commercial organisation allow to post using their commercial website address? The irony is that when they do, apparently, post a link to a free facility the link to that facility is removed. I ... Read More