@Paraiso Realty PR
American expat in Puerto Rico
5 posts
About me
Registration: 19 September 2024
surveyor needed in vieques by solgirl
HI Everyone, I need a surveyor for my vieques property to measure metes and bounds. It seems very difficult to find someone to do the surveying so I can build a fence around our lot. Any ideas anyone please ? Thank you :)
I know of a few surveyors as well. Shoot me a message via my website: *** Read More
Buy a car in PR or ship from NYC? by JessicaMaria
Hi everyone! I have a question about my car. My car and I are currently in NYC. I have 18,900 left to pay on my lease, to keep my car. I pay 325 a month and have a 2020 Honda CR-V. I’m not sure if I should return this car (it’s a lease ...
@JessicaMaria General rule of thumb is that it is easier and cheaper to buy a car here in PR. Unless it has sentimental value, or is a collectible, you are better off starting fresh here in PR. In many cases, unknown taxes await you at the port. Read More
Buying a house in Puerto Rico by vixallende
Hi, I am buying a house in Puerto Rico and am confused about the process. Initially I tried working with realtors and was disappointed. Although I already had pre-approvals and everything in order, I found the realtors were unresponsive and ...
Since you are doing this alone without a real estate broker, I suggest hiring a lawyer and having an inspection done, all before signing the Option Agreement. A Notary (licensed lawyer in PR) will handle the cloisng. Hopefully the probate is ... Read More