S25 - Sean

S25 - Sean

Active member

English looking for information about Bulgaria

Forum posts




About me

English, Single

Speaks English only

Registration: 09 January 2025


S25 - Sean replied to a thread
41 minutes ago

Don't say you weren't warned.. by JimJ

There's an elephant in the room when it comes to people upping sticks and blithely heading to their new Shangri-la in Bulgaria, and I wonder just how much thought people have given to exactly what they might be letting themselves in for.There's an ...

S25 - Sean

@JimJ I get your point but yeh I've been speaking to people about all manner of things, mainly hotel staff in the cities, trains, taxi drivers ect. Still a lot to learn, but don't believe the news any more than 20%. There's always an agenda behind ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
14 hours ago

Don't say you weren't warned.. by JimJ

There's an elephant in the room when it comes to people upping sticks and blithely heading to their new Shangri-la in Bulgaria, and I wonder just how much thought people have given to exactly what they might be letting themselves in for.There's an ...

S25 - Sean

I just think there's too many perspectives and convolution for it to matter. All government lies, they all have agendas and pump propaganda. In every nation really.I believe what I see, and that is 1 thing in Bulgaria. A nation of hardworking people ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
20 hours ago

Don't say you weren't warned.. by JimJ

There's an elephant in the room when it comes to people upping sticks and blithely heading to their new Shangri-la in Bulgaria, and I wonder just how much thought people have given to exactly what they might be letting themselves in for.There's an ...

S25 - Sean

@JimJ - This is a very interesting post Jim. I personally "put off" buying in BG for 2 years upon learning NATO were building the largest military base in Europe in Romania. Held stuck with the thought if the Ukraine War was to spill over, Bulgaria ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago

Alexander Stamboliyski by manager85

Hi Can anyone help me with this area as a potential relocate ( 5 year plan ) was looking not to far from airport asI have 4 kids and found a property needs some work windows / kitchen ect ? offered on pay monthly so thats why im keen and not falling ...

S25 - Sean

@manager85Any time Claire, you'll find most people in here are a great bunch who always help each other. It's a good community to be part of. Wish ya best of luck on your travels. Hope you and the kids find the dream property 🙏 Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago

Alexander Stamboliyski by manager85

Hi Can anyone help me with this area as a potential relocate ( 5 year plan ) was looking not to far from airport asI have 4 kids and found a property needs some work windows / kitchen ect ? offered on pay monthly so thats why im keen and not falling ...

S25 - Sean

@manager85 Pmsl🤣, yeh exactly right. Couple years ago I did 6 months hiking and camping round the lake district. The difference in BG is the sheer scale and wildlife factor, they have a lot of what Britian has lost. If you enjoy Cumbria, the ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago
S25 - Sean

Mild winters in the south BG?: camping -6 tonight by S25 - Sean

If you have read any of my recent posts (many offered great advice and help) all I can say right now is 🥶🥶🥶❄️☃️ brrr!Hot summers and milder winter in the south near Turkey "they" say... YouTube and ...

S25 - Sean

@VillageLife Unfortunately I was so busy mooching around the country, then back and forth through Yambol the most I got to see there was Kaufland and Praktiker 🤣For a city the people were very friendly, made some good friends along the way. ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago

Alexander Stamboliyski by manager85

Hi Can anyone help me with this area as a potential relocate ( 5 year plan ) was looking not to far from airport asI have 4 kids and found a property needs some work windows / kitchen ect ? offered on pay monthly so thats why im keen and not falling ...

S25 - Sean

@manager85Jane is spot on with areas and info. I'm a fellow Manc' totally get the need to be away from the drab n dull of the city suburbs. Dobrich and midsize towns just outside Burgas might be more suitable for what you're looking for. As for ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago

Alexander Stamboliyski by manager85

Hi Can anyone help me with this area as a potential relocate ( 5 year plan ) was looking not to far from airport asI have 4 kids and found a property needs some work windows / kitchen ect ? offered on pay monthly so thats why im keen and not falling ...

S25 - Sean

@manager85Hi Claire, while there is some people buying Land, that's a pressure sales tactic to get money or a fast decision from you. There's empty houses everywhere in BG. It's best to scoop the kids up for a holiday and have a wee look tbh. As for ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago
S25 - Sean

Mild winters in the south BG?: camping -6 tonight by S25 - Sean

If you have read any of my recent posts (many offered great advice and help) all I can say right now is 🥶🥶🥶❄️☃️ brrr!Hot summers and milder winter in the south near Turkey "they" say... YouTube and ...

S25 - Sean

@janemulberryYou will find a way I am sure. Sneak the kitty's in your suitcase, you could play with a furbie on the plane so they don't notice... Actually don't do that just incase boarder hunters put you on telly 🤣Can relate though, I left ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago
S25 - Sean

Mild winters in the south BG?: camping -6 tonight by S25 - Sean

If you have read any of my recent posts (many offered great advice and help) all I can say right now is 🥶🥶🥶❄️☃️ brrr!Hot summers and milder winter in the south near Turkey "they" say... YouTube and ...

S25 - Sean

@janemulberry back at hotel in Jambol, with a good shower and takeaway. Been an amazing experience neighbors treated me like long lost family, very strange but good. Hotel staff have become more friends than just staff. Thanks for checking in and ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago
S25 - Sean

Wolves in the garden WTAF? 🤯 by S25 - Sean

Forgive me for saying this but I almost soiled my pants, while taking a pee near a tree by the front gate. 10 minutes prior, heard howling off on the fields towards the mountains, probably a quarter of a mile away. As ya do, thought nothing about ...

S25 - Sean

@JimJ - Thanks for the heads up will have to check them out. Can imagine ferral dogs dogs in a pack to be unnerving. I was savaged by a neighbors German Shepard a couple years back and that wasn't the best experience, can only imagine a pack of 4-5 ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago
S25 - Sean

Mild winters in the south BG?: camping -6 tonight by S25 - Sean

If you have read any of my recent posts (many offered great advice and help) all I can say right now is 🥶🥶🥶❄️☃️ brrr!Hot summers and milder winter in the south near Turkey "they" say... YouTube and ...

S25 - Sean

@JimJ Truly hope that doesn't happen, we need more farmers doing what Jane's says, re wilding the countryside. They introduced a number of breeding pairs of eagles in Cumbria, there's a couple in Cockermouth near Buttermere. Never knew we had so ... Read More

S25 - Sean created a thread
2 weeks ago

Wolves in the garden WTAF? 🤯

Forgive me for saying this but I almost soiled my pants, while taking a pee near a tree by the front gate. 10 minutes prior, heard howling off on the fields towards the mountains, probably a quarter of a mile away. As ya do, thought nothing about ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago

Flight problems?? by jeanmandredeix

I am beginning to think I am destined not to get to Bulgaria. I have been flexible with airports (Luton, Stansted, Birmingham) but tried three times to book Ryanair and it froze up on both my phone and laptop, then tried Wizz Air and their return ...

S25 - Sean

@jeanmandredeix - 👍👍👍 You did it, well done. Can relate to the issues you had. EasyJet fully booked until may, then Ryanair site and app being awkward freezing out . I had 1 week before due to travel and no tickets. Seems for ... Read More

S25 - Sean replied to a thread
2 weeks ago
S25 - Sean

Mild winters in the south BG?: camping -6 tonight by S25 - Sean

If you have read any of my recent posts (many offered great advice and help) all I can say right now is 🥶🥶🥶❄️☃️ brrr!Hot summers and milder winter in the south near Turkey "they" say... YouTube and ...

S25 - Sean

@janemulberry That's a good idea didn't think of that. 🤓Love all animals but never been much of a "cat person" but was quite shocked on the train. Literally a huge farmers field that stretched for miles as far as the eye could see, the train ... Read More