
Gihta Ulfe



Danish looking for information about Qatar

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Doha

Speaks Danish - English

Registration: 04 February 2012


Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

single english girl moving to cairo. by selina1

Hi i have recently accepted a teaching job in Cairo, the school looks amazing and the head teacher seems really nice. I have always wanted to work abroad, and cairo seems like an amazing place, however many people have told me that the local men ...

Gihta Ulfe

Mody ak - you describe me - why - I do not ask for single girls! and clothes! I think you should read a little better before you write a comment ! Githa Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

visiting Cairo nowadays? by liliumpool

Hello everyone! I am about having holidays in Cairo in March or so but I am not really sure because of the late incidents. I heard that after the Mubarak matter, Cairo was not very safe for some months. I was there last November, just before ...

Gihta Ulfe

it's weird that it is always Egyptian men who claim that Cairo is a very safe place for women, I can tell that it is not. Both my daughter and I have been violated in public.:( Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

single english girl moving to cairo. by selina1

Hi i have recently accepted a teaching job in Cairo, the school looks amazing and the head teacher seems really nice. I have always wanted to work abroad, and cairo seems like an amazing place, however many people have told me that the local men ...

Gihta Ulfe

Ha Ha Ha - you must be joking - and the worst thing is that very young men learn it from their fathers Hey any local men in any country in the world harrass women, however in Egypt it's Less than local men in europe or usa, cause in Egypt ppl here ... Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

Schools for Expat Kids in Cairo by Helen12

My husband's company is looking to relocat us from Johannesburg, South Africa to Cairo early/middle next year. I would like some recommendations on International Schools for my children aged 10 and 12.

Gihta Ulfe

my 2 girls go on NCBIS - a really good school, both girls and we adults like it. At the school is a family who is from South Africa who came this summer, I might ask her to write to you ... Githa Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

Shipping to and fro.. by Reybabe85

Hey Guys! I want to get something shipped from America to Cairo, can I send it to the American embassy? :blink:?

Gihta Ulfe

I do not think the American Embassy is particularly interested in receiving packages from people they do not know!! If you know what I mean and I have received several packages to my villa from various delivery companies Githa Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

How to obtain a local driving licence? by Nassman

Hi I have a uk driving licence but need to know how to obtain a local Egyptian driving licence. I now live in Cairo and have a residence visa so by law I must obtain a local driving licence. I was told that I need to go to the local Traffic ...

Gihta Ulfe

Nassman. i have been told to show up at the local driving office with a International driverlicence and a medical taht show my blod type, i will then get a Egyptian licence. but let see what you find out today, please share. as i will be getting ... Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

None dairy food in Egypt by Adam4449

Hello everyone, going to Egypt next month with my 4 year old who has severe allergies from dairy, wheat, barley, peanuts, and was wondering if any supermarkets in Maadi, or Elrehab city (where I'm planing on staying) has soy milk (like silk) corn or ...

Gihta Ulfe

Hi, my mom told me to reply to this thread. I have gluten allergies and i find it very hard to live here, but it can be done. I can find most things in a normal Carrefore, except bread and cakes and stuff. You will be able to find lots of corn ... Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

NEWS: Visa on arrival extended to 8 new countries by erikabrio

Citizens of China, India, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Jordan will now be able to get visa on arrival.

Gihta Ulfe

Hi The Egyptian I will tell my husband - that you have said I have to take a week to Dubai with LOT of pocket money - and when I come back, I can get a new tourist visa - and that it is the only option I have LOL --- thanks for your answer Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

NEWS: Visa on arrival extended to 8 new countries by erikabrio

Citizens of China, India, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Jordan will now be able to get visa on arrival.

Gihta Ulfe

Thanks for your response - but is it correct when they say it will take 4 months? I think it's a long time to wait - and my visa expires before that! Ps. and I'm Danish, not that I am always proud of it Githa Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

my two female cats need a home by chocolata

Hi all, I have two female spayed cats that need a loving home, i will be moving back to the UK and would hate to leave them on the street. I have been looking for anyone that would give them a home, i have one playful ginger and a right ...

Gihta Ulfe

it will be so bad to put them on the street - either hand over them to the ESMA - or have them put down - let them loos on the street is animal cruelty Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

NEWS: Visa on arrival extended to 8 new countries by erikabrio

Citizens of China, India, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Jordan will now be able to get visa on arrival.

Gihta Ulfe

Can it really be right when my husband's company just told him it would take them 4 months to get a work visa for him which then also would apply to the rest of the family (not working) - and what do I do when I only have a 3 month tourist ... Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

Just arrived! by Liverbird

Hi, I'm new to Cairo and would love to meet up with some others maybe a ladies coffee morning, any suggestions would be a great help. :-)

Gihta Ulfe

I think I'm a lady, I am a woman LOL You can write to me if you like coffee or a little woman talk. I'm pretty new to Cairo but it may well happen that I could help you with some tips Githa Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

Possible move to Cairo. by Libby1

Hello, my husband is considering a job change that would mean moving to Cairo Egypt from the USA. We are in our 50's, our children are college age and would not be accompanying us (other than for extended visits.) I have been doing research and I ...

Gihta Ulfe

Hello Libby1 Come to Cairo, it's not quite as bad as it might sound, or maybe it will be for you? it really depends on what you expect Has lived in Egypt since the 26th March - we chose New Cairo - something called Hay el Diplomasieen - Small ... Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

Expats in El Rehab Ciry, Cairo by meems74

Hello, my name is Mimi and I just moved to El Rehab City 7 weeks ago. I'm originally from NYC (born and raised in the big apple) and I'm looking to make new friends in the area. I was wondering if anyone knew of any expat groups in el rehab. if you ...

Gihta Ulfe

Hi Mimi Welcome to Egypt I am from Denmark but have lived for the last 5 years in Aberdeen, Scotland. I live in Katameya but it will not be a big problem to come to El Rehab - or it could be great with the company for exploring the city (not the ... Read More

Gihta Ulfe
GithaU replied to a thread
12 years ago

New Cairo by Cranston

Greetings! My wife and I along with our daughters (13 and 10) are moving to Cairo in August. Can anyone tell me about NEW, activities, housing, personality...anything at all would help. Thanks!

Gihta Ulfe

Hello I just moved down here with husband and 2 girls aged 14 and 12 years. We moved from Aberdeen - Scotland. We chose NCBIS. New Cairo British School - New Cairo - I would think fairly new "town" - I guess about half the houses are not finished ... Read More