


Spanish expat in Greece

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Athens

Registration: 08 June 2008


graffic replied to a thread
11 years ago

moving to Athens by libstaa

hey guys, me and a friend are moving to Athens as we are starting work for an airline at the airport. we have no idea about which areas are best to look at so we are hoping you can help :) I have a licence but as of yet no car so we would be relying ...


There is metro and trains to the airport. Check the lines and see where you can live that allows you an easy commute. It might be a good start. The airport is in the middle of nowhere. There are some close villages like Markopoulo. I've seen some ... Read More

graffic replied to a thread
11 years ago

The other side of the Greek postcard by Julien

Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...


The good - Weather - Islands - Food - People. - Motorbike culture. The bad - Corruption. Be wary. - The idea that if someone achieved something more than you, the solution is both of you have nothing instead of you achieving the same (Better to ... Read More

graffic replied to a thread
12 years ago

Meeting new friends! by Christine77

Hi all I am Greek-Australian been living in Southern Athens the past 3 years. I moved here permanantely, so not looking back now! I love to travel, discovering new places & culture. Ive lived and worked in London and currently I work in the ...


We could organize another meetup for february. Interested? Read More

graffic replied to a thread
12 years ago

Quality of life in Athens by Rigpig1951

Hello, My company will soon be offering me a good job in Athens. I would like to hear about the quality of life to help me decide if I shall take the job. We hear a lot of negative things on TV in the UK due to the current austerity measures in ...


Welcome to the forum. You got some answer in the other thread you opened about the same issue. Read More

graffic replied to a thread
12 years ago

New member seeking information about Athens by Rigpig1951

Hello, I am not an expat in Athens yet, I joined in the hope of finding out what life as an expat in Athens can be like. My company is probably going to offer me a position in Athens, which will be residential for me and my wife. I have ...


Well, mass mediacan sell you many things based on truths. It is true that there are riots, but battles happen around syntagma square. It is true that many people is having problem to buy food, but supermarkets have what you might need (no ... Read More

graffic replied to a thread
12 years ago

newcomer looking for friends in athens by promithios

hey im aihab 26 years old guy from israel , moved to athens in septemper for a job in tech support , i would like to maximise my stay here so im looking for local friends to have a much better time. im available via email or at facebook ...


Welcome Aihab! Better you stay away from expats (except this forum jejeje) and join local people to learn the language and enjoy the good parts of living in Greece. Javier Read More

graffic replied to a thread
12 years ago

Moving to Athens in 2-3 months & could really use some advice please! by miss_jackson

Hi there I am writing to just ask for any advice you can offer me. I am a 21yr old British girl and I am moving to Kallithea, Athens in 2-3 months to live with my Greek boyfriend. I am very anxious about moving there as I am worried I will feel ...


Hello, my name is Wayne Roselt. I am currently living in Johannesburg, South Africa. My partner and I are considering relocating to Greece in the next 5 years, and will be starting our first 3 week vacation (in Athens) soon. We will then also be ... Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago
land ho

Living in Athens by land ho

I am considering the opportunity of coming to work in Athens, am currently living/working in the UK. Am a single woman not in the first flush of youth! how easy would it be to find a social life and is it easy for a single woman to be accepted in ...


Uhmm, My advice is: secure a job before coming here. Even with that, they can "forget everything" the day you get. Or just try to abuse your situation. Be really careful. If possible use Greek advice in every move. Contracts paid in black money ... Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

Exercise shoes in Greece by jokamcy

Hi everyone. I'm an adult college student in Austin, TX, USA and I am doing a project for my international marketing class. I have to introduce a new product to the Greek market. I've choosen Z-coil shoes. I use them for running, but they are ...

graffic Next time :) Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

Réveillon Athènes / New Year's Eve in Athens by pascom

Bonjour, Nous nous apprêtons passer quelques jours à Athènes .. En fait, nous venons franchir le cap 2009 / 2010 à Athènes et disposons d'une petite semaine ... Mais nous n'avons aucune idée de comment se passe le réveillon à Athènes ... Y'a-t-il ...


There is not so many traditions here for that night. But one is to go for dinner. You'll find hotels preparing events for that special evening. Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

Top beaches of Greece by EuropeWord

What are your favorite Greek Beaches? Everyone should post at least two. My personal favorites would be Egremnoi and Myrtos. Not sure about the spelling of the first one, I've seen it written in many ways.


Two I liked are: - Platis gialos - Sifnos. - Tsougkria, a small island near Skiathos. Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

Living in Athens by

You are an expatriate living in Athens, or you used to work and live in Athens. Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in Athens? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? Is it ...


I will be here (Athens) in September. I hope the weather won't be so hot. But roads will be full. Coffe/Orange juice, ice cream and perhaps a swim or two in nea makri :D Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

english bookstores/book exchange and/or public libraries with english by aasta

Hello/...I'm living on the outskirts of athens and looking for english books ...are there any english bookshops, book exchanges and/or public libraries with english books...i love to read!!! Please be so kind and let me knowif you know.thanks so ...


Papasotiriou has some novels in English.Y ou can order there more titles if they don't have the ones you're looking for. You can also go to the center. There are many libraries near Akademias. Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

How to make friends in Greece by

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Greece :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Greece?? Thanks in ...


+1 Anna Read More

graffic replied to a thread
15 years ago

How to make friends in Greece by

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Greece :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Greece?? Thanks in ...


The best is to stay away from your country mates and try to mix a bit with the city/country. A good way to start is with your hobbies. Try to find a local group doing the same you do. For example: mountain group, computer club, bike club. Read More