American looking for information about Ecuador
Forum posts
About me
Lives in talent
Speaks English
Registration: 19 April 2012

Assistance needed in Nuevo Santa Rosa by aterosin
Hi Everyone! thanks for welcoming me. In 1999, my husband and I adopted our son from Guatemala. Last week, after doing a 2-3 year search we found his Birth Family. They live in very sparse living conditions (dirt floor, tin roof, lack of food and ...

We are in Guatemala now visiting our birth family!! We were to stay in their town one week but a wall disintegrated in their casa so we are staying here and helping build a new wall. We won’t spend a week in Panajachel as planned. This wall is ... Read More

Assistance needed in Nuevo Santa Rosa
Hi Everyone! thanks for welcoming me. In 1999, my husband and I adopted our son from Guatemala. Last week, after doing a 2-3 year search we found his Birth Family. They live in very sparse living conditions (dirt floor, tin roof, lack of food and ... Read More

New members of the Guatemala forum, introduce yourself here by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Guatemala forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hi Everyone! thanks for welcoming me. In 1999, my husband and I adopted our son from Guatemala. Last week, after doing a 2-3 year search we found his Birth Family. They live in very sparse living conditions (dirt floor, tin roof, lack of food and ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

Hey, it's nice to hear from you all. We decided to let our quest for property outside of Cuenca go. The owner kept stalling and after three years we've had enough of him. We hope to get down there sometime in the future and we hope ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

I wish! Bernie Sanders took over my life in May when I was elected to be a Delegate for the DNC convention. In late July, I traveled to Philly to participate in the farce. Now I'm home recovering. Football has been going on all summer for the 17 ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

It's always great to catch up with you Nards!! Read More

Reputable Real Estate Agent by 6monthsiniraq
Hey Y'all: I will be there. In Cuenca this summer and am looking for a reputable real estate agent. Can snyone recommend someone who is honest, trustworthy, and knows the city. Also on a separate subject what is the best way to get to ...

eddie Remache. in Cuenca thanks! Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

Brilliant!! Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

And prepositions vs. Propositions. LOL! Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

What's that saying? Never say Never. All the best! Now get those commas and prepositions right. Read More

Reputable Real Estate Agent by 6monthsiniraq
Hey Y'all: I will be there. In Cuenca this summer and am looking for a reputable real estate agent. Can snyone recommend someone who is honest, trustworthy, and knows the city. Also on a separate subject what is the best way to get to ...

We are on the west coast USA and fly into GYE. We then take a cab for $3 to the bus station and book seats on The bus to Cuenca. They take our luggage, etc. The bus runs every hour. Once In Cuenca we take a taxi $2.50 to our Hostal on Calle Largo. ... Read More

Driving/Getting around for the month of December by emoss28
Hello everyone, I'm new here, so if this question has been posed before, please forgive me. My boyfriend and I are scheduled to fly to Quito on December 4th, and leave Quito on December 31st. During our stay, we plan to go to the coast, work ...

We rented a car thru Cuenca Car Share and drove all over for 3.5 weeks. Gosh, it was fabulous. We got lost a few times, people helped us, and police escorts to the right road. Many roads are only marked in ONE direction. We stayed in Hostels along ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

A lot of his points are valid. Being kind, humble and sensitive to the culture of the country you are in is always a good plan.....it works in Everyday life as well. A smile never hurt either. Learning the language as best as you can will open many ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

Please refer to me as Gypsy from This day forward. Read More