Rui Lopes
Portuguese expat in Ethiopia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Addis Ababa
Speaks Portuguese, english and spanish
Registration: 07 May 2012

EVDO stick/Internet Questions? by chipy66
Hey im moving to ethiopia in about a month. I can buy an evdo stick from someone here for $100. Is that a good deal? how much are they usually? Also apparently this one is about 1-2 years old. Are there quicker ones out now? Is there a monthly ...

Now its clear for me! Thanks a lot arayalakew Read More

EVDO stick/Internet Questions? by chipy66
Hey im moving to ethiopia in about a month. I can buy an evdo stick from someone here for $100. Is that a good deal? how much are they usually? Also apparently this one is about 1-2 years old. Are there quicker ones out now? Is there a monthly ...

Hi all once again, I really appreciate any kind of help in this one, because i contacted Ethio Telecom and they couldnt answer me properly. They even got surprised how i got the value of 1,5 Gb. I explained them that its possible to check how much i ... Read More

EVDO stick/Internet Questions? by chipy66
Hey im moving to ethiopia in about a month. I can buy an evdo stick from someone here for $100. Is that a good deal? how much are they usually? Also apparently this one is about 1-2 years old. Are there quicker ones out now? Is there a monthly ...

Hi all, I bought an EV-DO and i asked two weekd ago for the 4bg package for 700 Birr at Ethio Telecom. My problem is that i already charged it with 600 Birr and i just spent around 1,3 GB and i cant use it more. I charged it not at once and i ... Read More