Irish expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Khobar
Speaks fluent gaeilge, english - decent french, spanish, korean
Registration: 31 May 2012

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

ohhhh, there's a lot riding on this answer ..... i support a truly global team, with unequaled pedigree,rich history and fans the envy of all - liverpool fc. (how did i do?):cool: Read More

new teacher in khobar by greenirish
Hey everybody, After months of work I finally jet off to KSA tomorrow. As a newbie I'd luv to hear from you all and take any advice you might have. I'm particularly interested in getting involved in the social side of Khobar and getting to meet ...

i have been told the same, the eastern region is less conservative by all accounts. dammam isn't far from khobar at all, just up the road. good luck with whatever stages you have left, hope it all goes smoothly Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

yes, each tv works independent of each other and we had english commentary until the last 20mins when someone decided to change it with what seemed like the master remote control. the map on mercure's website shows the location of the hotel but ... Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

there were about 12 people there watching, most of them were locals. i wouldn't say it was a stadium like atmosphere but then it wasn't dull either. Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

just back from watching english premier league football at league cafe. i can confirm that it does exist and that it's a good place to watch the soccer. very modern and comfortable and good food too, prices range from around SR 30-45 in general for ... Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

well done aman, that sounds like a great find! thank you Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

yeah, i know the feeling! Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

that would be great aman, thank you. i just arrived here last week so i haven't gotten to know the place well enough yet, and i haven't noticed any coffee shops with tv's. it sucked not being able to watch any football today, especially as it was ... Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

i can see you're gonna be trouble alliecat!! :P Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

i feel like i'm the third wheel in this thread :) Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

ps i'll be sure to invite you round alliecat :) Read More

premier league? by greenirish
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks

thanks aman. any coffee shops in particular you would recommend? and thank alliecat too, my internet's a bit crappy at the mo but those links will be useful when i move to my new apartment. Read More

premier league?
hello all, bit of a boring question, but the new english premier league season starts today, does anybody know of any good places to watch the matches? thanks Read More

Social Life in Al Khobar Wanted by Lesleymary
We're two ladies from the UK looking for social activities. Would appreciate contacts on different compounds.

i've just arrived here myself lesleymary and i know from past experience that it can be hard to 'get social'. i'm definitely keen on having as good a social life as possible. i know a few people here so if you want to get in touch you can do at ... Read More

new teacher in khobar by greenirish
Hey everybody, After months of work I finally jet off to KSA tomorrow. As a newbie I'd luv to hear from you all and take any advice you might have. I'm particularly interested in getting involved in the social side of Khobar and getting to meet ...

haha, you had me worried there for a minute :) Read More