Canadian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia
Speaks English
Registration: 19 August 2012

Looking for english-speaking 'nanny' on Wednesday afternoons by MarianV
Hello! I am looking for a (native) English speaking person to take care of my 2 girls (age 3 and age 5) on Wednesday afternoons 12-6pm. We lived in the US for 3 years and now that we are back, I would like to keep up their English. Care taking ...

Good Afternoon Marian, I just got a job in Antwerp, but I think I might have Wednesday's free. Does it need to be a female? Respectable, intelligent, responsible Canadian guy here, who enjoys kids. Degree in Agriculture, enjoy working outside, ... Read More

Friends to go out with, anyone? by Zellarina
Hi all, I live in London but come to Ghent often to visit my parents, just as I am right now till 25th. Each time I'm here, I'm dying to get out try the Belgian beer, maybe go dance somewhere etc. In the evenings but I know no one to do these ...

Oops....how was the Dubstep Party btw? Read More

Friends to go out with, anyone? by Zellarina
Hi all, I live in London but come to Ghent often to visit my parents, just as I am right now till 25th. Each time I'm here, I'm dying to get out try the Belgian beer, maybe go dance somewhere etc. In the evenings but I know no one to do these ...

Neal Razzo on FB. Read More

Newcomers FAQs by Atene
As an almost newcomer (will move to Brussels in less than 3 weeks), I would like to get some additional information which might be useful for other expats as well: - Is there any difference in which bank I will open a b.account? I mean any benefits ...

Base has been very good to me...if you get your GSM from the actual store, you can "register" it for free..and if you lose your phone or something, they'll give you another SIM with the same number for 10. So far I'm impressed with their service, ... Read More

British Canadian moving to Ghent by Articfox

I'm a Canadian here in Ghent tho....so if you want some friendly company, happy to meet up. Always looking for my own friends away from my partner...nice to have a chat with someone from home. Vancouverite here. Read More

Friends to go out with, anyone? by Zellarina
Hi all, I live in London but come to Ghent often to visit my parents, just as I am right now till 25th. Each time I'm here, I'm dying to get out try the Belgian beer, maybe go dance somewhere etc. In the evenings but I know no one to do these ...

I thought I was :/ Read More

Small Business by hannahhadman
Dose anyone have info about running a small Business in Belgium (Anyone i would have to contact or register etc)

D U M B. Belgium is a bit messed sometimes. Canada it's totally the opposite..and they'd give you start up money if you made a business plan. Read More

Desperate for work. by Haggis and Tatties
Hello to all, Been living in Liege for 2 months now and absoulately loving it. Still trying to find work though and have broadened my search to Brussels and other close by areas/countries. Have applied for varies jobs but no-one seems to be biting. ...

ya but it is Antwerp....2 hours commute....and I bet it'll be under 1400 a month... I was originally hoping to get 3600, but that's in my profession...this is a stater job, with starter pay...but it'll buy me time in Belgium, with my partner... Read More

Find a job in Belgium by expat.com
Hi, You are an expat living in Belgium? Please share your experience! What is the best way to find a job in Belgium? The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Belgium. Recruitment agencies? ...

All languages are difficult...but I saw the video on what you can learn, and if you apply it..and try...and insist people speak Dutch with you...it'll come. Read More

Small Business by hannahhadman
Dose anyone have info about running a small Business in Belgium (Anyone i would have to contact or register etc)

It's true...there's no cupcake place here....too bad! Then again....cost is probably prohibitive...you'd have to charge 6 each ;) Read More

Friends to go out with, anyone? by Zellarina
Hi all, I live in London but come to Ghent often to visit my parents, just as I am right now till 25th. Each time I'm here, I'm dying to get out try the Belgian beer, maybe go dance somewhere etc. In the evenings but I know no one to do these ...

Hannah, strange...I didn't see that on FB. I would be up for meeting for Drinks! We should keep this alive, and plan something. Also in Ghent, and definitely not a date...have a BF....but everyone we hangout with is Dutch, it would be nice to ... Read More

Desperate for work. by Haggis and Tatties
Hello to all, Been living in Liege for 2 months now and absoulately loving it. Still trying to find work though and have broadened my search to Brussels and other close by areas/countries. Have applied for varies jobs but no-one seems to be biting. ...

I will say this...open your mind...get creative, hit the pavement. Agencies here won't specialize for English...so think of yourself as unemployed. I know you'r enot...I know you're talented, but as far as their concerned, your best chance for ... Read More

English speaking jobs. by kezz
Hey all Is it possible to get English speaking jobs in Brussels, for someone who speaks no French/Dutch/German?.

The agencies are good, but they don't specialize in English speakers. So you're best bet is to contact companies directly. Pubs are swamped, BUT, the best people always get the jobs, right? Sometimes, it's about timing, and personality. Tho I do ... Read More

Small Business by hannahhadman
Dose anyone have info about running a small Business in Belgium (Anyone i would have to contact or register etc)

WHat kinda business you thinking Hannah? Read More

Danish boyfriend moving to Belgium by evelienn
Hey everyone, My boyfriend is Danish and currently still living in Denmark. He's planning on moving to Belgium though, this year or the next - when it's possible. I was wondering if there were ANY of you that arrived here in Belgium and had ...

True that. BUt then again, what country wants freeloaders? Unless you're under political asylum. Work, and money make the world go round. Social assistance will take upto 3 months to become a resident. I've been here since July 21, and I've not ... Read More