
Zoila y Don Hank


Active member

American expat in Panama

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Panama City

Speaks Spanish, English, german, chinese

Registration: 29 November 2009


Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
7 years ago

Are you happy in Panama? by Priscilla

Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Panama? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

Zoila y Don Hank

Panama is very risky for real estate buyers. If the current owner failed to pay taxes for the last 15 years, you may wind up paying his taxes. If you are alert and catch his error, causing a delay past the deadline in the contract, you may wind up ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
7 years ago

Are you happy in Panama? by Priscilla

Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Panama? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

Zoila y Don Hank

You can get organic produce at the Riba Smith stores. They also have a good selection of vegan stuff. Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
7 years ago

Mistakes expats make in Panama by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Did you make any mistakes when you first moved to Panama? What were they? How did you address your mistakes? Did you learn anything from them? With hindsight, what would you do differently? Are there any tips you could ...

Zoila y Don Hank

I should have sold my car and bought one down here. They soaked me 3500 for an older car, based on the NEW price. Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Are you happy in Panama? by Priscilla

Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Panama? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

Zoila y Don Hank

I have been here for 6 years and it is a mixed bag, like everywhere else. My wife has moments when she hates it because her teaching job pays so little for all she does. I love it, however, because the people are so nice and easy to get along with. ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Changing banks in Panamá by Do65

Hello all I thought I found a good bank which is the Credicorp bank but that was a very wrong thought. It's reliable yes and they won't steal yr money but the service is terrible and since I am having a house built and the money transfers ...

Zoila y Don Hank

I forgot to mention that there is a Bank of China in El Dorado, just a small bldg on the main drag. By now you have heard the speculation about the USD losing a lot of value and people are buying gold as a result. I have often thought that the RMB ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Changing banks in Panamá by Do65

Hello all I thought I found a good bank which is the Credicorp bank but that was a very wrong thought. It's reliable yes and they won't steal yr money but the service is terrible and since I am having a house built and the money transfers ...

Zoila y Don Hank

Thanks! It is possible that Banco Nacional was just obeying US law to the letter, but if Banvivienda is ignoring this invasive and tyrannical FATCA law, then they are definitely a better bank for us ex-pats. BTW, I understand it costs a few thousand ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Changing banks in Panamá by Do65

Hello all I thought I found a good bank which is the Credicorp bank but that was a very wrong thought. It's reliable yes and they won't steal yr money but the service is terrible and since I am having a house built and the money transfers ...

Zoila y Don Hank

I have dealt with all 3 of these banks and they all have their pros and cons. I believe what was said about Credicorp is true -- lousy service. On the other hand, I think it may be easier to get a credit card through them. BUT trying to get rid of ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Are you happy in Panama? by Priscilla

Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Panama? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

Zoila y Don Hank

Hint: Most people do not pay by check. You can have payment for anything sent to your local Rey supermarket. Most prefer this service. Other businesses may also offer this service. As for the driver's license, before I got my cedula, I used an ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Are you happy in Panama? by Priscilla

Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Panama? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

Zoila y Don Hank

Thanks for asking. I am much happier in Panama and can no longer imagine living in the US. Let's look at those other countries you mentioned as being happy: Switzerland and Iceland are renegades which have refused to join the EU. The EU is a de ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Panama by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Panama provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Zoila y Don Hank

Yes, but you need varied input, from the msm, the alternate news and foreign news sites. Trying to get a well rounded picture from the mainstream Anglo-Saxon news is like wearing dark lenses with someone else's prescription to paint the Mona ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Panama by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Panama provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Zoila y Don Hank

But, but, but... those news outlets are so anti-Establishment and politically incorrect, aren't they?! :) Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Panama by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Panama provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Zoila y Don Hank

Hi Krist, Thanks for helping save the world for us. Your contribution did not go unappreciated. You may think you did it all for nothing, but all those wars you helped prevent and all those species you helped save from extinction are appreciated. ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Panama by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Panama provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Zoila y Don Hank

That would be true if there was nothing we could do about the trends and the future. But is there really? Are humans that incapable of acting on their environment? Or is it that they can't identify the problems? Not reading the news is a great ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Panama by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Panama provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Zoila y Don Hank

A lady told me recently that she doesn't like history. I said: "But you're living it, whether you like it or not." History is the news, which is a daily installment of history. It is you and me and the future of us and our ... Read More

Zoila y Don Hank
Donzoila replied to a thread
8 years ago

Single Lady retiring to Panama by PattiH

Hi, All New to this blog and looking for information. Are there any other Single ladies looking to retire to Panama? From all I've read I realize this most likely a huge minority. However, If I'm doing it I have to believe there are others.. ...

Zoila y Don Hank

I can strongly recommend Rosetta Stone, which has you speaking immediately, guessing what is being said from photos appearing simultaneously with the utterances. It is not quite the drudgery you would get with other courses. If you get all 5 levels ... Read More