American looking for information about Guatemala
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Lives in Shallowater
Registration: 21 November 2012

Shipping HH goods to Guatemala by jrhouser39
We are planning a move to Guatemala and I am interested in any information available from people who have actually experienced shipping household goods to Guatemala. What I am hearing is that it makes more sense to just buy new in Guatemala. I guess ...

I shipped half a cargo container from Chicago through a Guatemala based shipper with offices in Chicago, medrano express. While it ran a couple thousand, I chose to ship many things, including a couple of dressers that could never be found here in ... Read More

Just how dangerous is Guate nowadays? by BasiaAlm
I have to go to Belize for 6 months to a year and during summer I would like to visit Guate, especially highlands, as it is cooler. Found a lovely house on Lake Atitlan to rent for 2-3 months, but how about getting there? I heard the maras target ...

What is the safest method to travel from Guatemala City airport to Antigua?you can google Antigua Guatemala Transportation Or Guatemala Airport Transportation for shuttle companies that can take you to Antigua. Or, if you want to wing it, there are ... Read More

Just how dangerous is Guate nowadays? by BasiaAlm
I have to go to Belize for 6 months to a year and during summer I would like to visit Guate, especially highlands, as it is cooler. Found a lovely house on Lake Atitlan to rent for 2-3 months, but how about getting there? I heard the maras target ...

We have been to Rio Dulce and back to Guatemala City a few times on the Litegua bus. No problems. Some friends use this service on occasion also. Nice bus. Some are air conditioned.What mode of transport do you recommend for touring while we use ... Read More

Just how dangerous is Guate nowadays? by BasiaAlm
I have to go to Belize for 6 months to a year and during summer I would like to visit Guate, especially highlands, as it is cooler. Found a lovely house on Lake Atitlan to rent for 2-3 months, but how about getting there? I heard the maras target ...

We have been to Rio Dulce and back to Guatemala City a few times on the Litegua bus. No problems. Some friends use this service on occasion also. Nice bus. Some are air conditioned. Read More

Healthcare in Guatemala by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Guatemala ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Guatemala? Thanks in advance for sharing ...

We have a friend who had a liver transplant in a Government Hospital 20 years ago. He is still going strong. We have friends there (nationals) who would not darken the door of a Government Hospital. Whether there is reality to their fears, I could ... Read More

Shipping HH goods to Guatemala
We are planning a move to Guatemala and I am interested in any information available from people who have actually experienced shipping household goods to Guatemala. What I am hearing is that it makes more sense to just buy new in Guatemala. I guess ... Read More