robert tucker
English expat in Croatia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in zagreb
Speaks english
Registration: 01 January 2013

Best area to buy a house by jothman80
Hi I would like to ask about the best area to buy a two bedroom house at a cheap price.

Sorry have no idea about prices etc. on the coast , only to say they are more expensive than further inland. Read More

Best area to buy a house by jothman80
Hi I would like to ask about the best area to buy a two bedroom house at a cheap price.

You were asking for more info on Hudi Bitik I would say it is south of Zagreb. A small village about 15 mins drive from Arena shopping center. Served by two bus lines. Has Two well stocked small shops. Doctor, pharmacy, school, post office 5 mins ... Read More

Best area to buy a house by jothman80
Hi I would like to ask about the best area to buy a two bedroom house at a cheap price.

All depends on where your work is. If Zagreb, try towards Hudi Bitik. From there on its cheaper..also good public transportation in that area. Read More

British shop by zageb423
We are thinking about a Brit shop here in Z Zagreb.Want to research what people would want and buy. Please give feedback

Hi.We found that start up costs and regulations were to much for us at present. Read More

Tips and advice to thrive in Croatia by Priscilla
Hi, When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes. How did you manage to adjust to Croatia? How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy ...

I live in a village outsider of Zagreb. My wife is from Vukovar. We met due to my involvement in Humantian aid in the 90's. We still are. My advice, learn a little of the language, I can go to the village shop, embrace the local food, don't ... Read More

Any changes in buying property? by marydoll
Has there been any changes in the laws for people from other EU countries buying properties in Croatia? Do they STILL have to go through the whole precession of setting up a company, that doesn't do anything except generate paper work. Does any ...

Hi I suggest you get in touch with Paul. PF501.com He sells and buyes property in Croatia. Been a great help to us. Read More

Driving in Croatia by Maximilien
Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Croatia? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess what are the characteristics of the driving style ...

There are all kinds of drivers on the roads. Beware especially at night on the moterway those who do not think the speed limit applies to them. My experience Italians and Germans are the worst. Around Zagreb you get the drivers in mercs and BMW who ... Read More

Healthcare in Croatia by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Croatia ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Croatia? Thanks in advance for sharing ...

Having had the benefit? of using both private and public healthcare in Croatia, I find that they are both good. Our doctor is great, You turn up on the day and wait to see him. No making appointments.If you need an x-ray or something its done within ... Read More

Need some hints about Split by oldtate
Hello my name is Patricia, I live in Liverpool , England and I am thinking of retiring to Croatia, maybe the town of Split. Any hints please? x

Hi I think you will need a visa for 5 years renewable every year, then a permanent ID card. Try to get a OIB number as soon as you can.For doctors etc. Read More

Organize your move to Croatia by Julie
Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Croatia. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Croatia: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to ...

Hi for brit food try out British corner shop. Excellent service., or there is a site based in Germany, british-american-foods.de. Not quite as good range but ok. We are still trying to get fresh and frozen food to Zagreb, but have found set up ... Read More

Driving license in Croatia by Armand
Hi all, Can a foreigner take the driving test in Croatia? What are the formalities to get a drivers licence in Croatia? Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate? How much does it cost? Thank you for participating ...

if your licence is Uk then you have to have medical and eye test Read More

Driving license in Croatia by Armand
Hi all, Can a foreigner take the driving test in Croatia? What are the formalities to get a drivers licence in Croatia? Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate? How much does it cost? Thank you for participating ...

hi Go to local police station and they will point you to the local office for this Read More

Gas Bottles by fidobsa
A few months ago I bought a house in Croatia and I am currently renovating it. There was no form of heating installed so I am putting in solid fuel central heating but in the meantime I want to use some portable gas heaters I brought over from UK. ...

hi try the companies that deliver gas bottles Also we thought that bottles are the same everywhere Read More

Looking roa job by kipo052
Hi people i need help.Im looking for a job in UK or Holland.I finish school for cooks in Croatia and i have a working experience. good at Mediterranean food pizza pasta etc.thx

think about working on cruisers, or eu boats cruising the rhine in Germany.Agency in zagreb and Slovinia Read More

Currency Exchange by fidobsa
Does anyone here ever need to convert money from other currencies to HRK? Who do you use? The only FX place I've found so far that deals with Croatia currency is Currency Solutions.

Best way is through bank. Also if you have a regular income from UK in pounds set up a account that will accept pounds and then transfere to a kuna account. We have found this the best way. we use erste bank and get good exchange rates. Read More