English expat in Vietnam
Forum posts
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Speaks Anglush, Espanol (Yo Hablo Un Poco) Swahili (you have to say a little bit)
Registration: 17 March 2013

Cost of living in Rio de Janeiro by DougH
Hey guys! I am keen to move to Rio in just less than a year and was wondering what the cost of living was? How much is a normal rental of a two bedroom apartment? How much does public transport cost and how extensive is it? What is an average ...

Hi William, Thanks for the speedy reply. I have been trawling the forum since I last posted and saw your most excellent guide entitled "A Gringo's Survival Guide". It definitely seems that Asia, allows a teacher to save quite a lot of money ... Read More

Cost of living in Rio de Janeiro by DougH
Hey guys! I am keen to move to Rio in just less than a year and was wondering what the cost of living was? How much is a normal rental of a two bedroom apartment? How much does public transport cost and how extensive is it? What is an average ...

Hi, I'm currently working as a teacher in HCMC Vietnam and am thinking of continuing my journeys to Brazil. Can anyone help me with the average rates of pay for an English tutor both with and without a degree? Also the above post said that an 2 bed ... Read More

How much falcon on the street? by richard hunter
I dont know the species but its grey with silvery blue tipped wings esp. in front of big pagoda 3/2 street D 10 on sat/sun morns. Never see to many birds in the air here and I miss that but I dont want to buy what might be an endangered animal in ...

Thanks Don, When I read your post I couldn't help thinking it's a lot like poor womens' lives in India and most of the world. Just an observation, I condemn both forms and the systems that are allowing it. Read More

How much falcon on the street? by richard hunter
I dont know the species but its grey with silvery blue tipped wings esp. in front of big pagoda 3/2 street D 10 on sat/sun morns. Never see to many birds in the air here and I miss that but I dont want to buy what might be an endangered animal in ...

Ha ha 4 TB Jaitch, very good and interesting post. Thanks for the cultural/business insite to the local bird trade.By the way what's an animal mill? regards John Read More

unsafe in Nha Trang by YuZ
Hi all, I heard Nha Trang is not really safe at night. I'd appreciate any information on what to stay away from.

hi I was thinking my last post maybe made it seem like Nha Trang was particularly dangerous. It isn't, Cambodia is dangerous. , but not really as dangerous as South America or especially sub saharan Africa. I was trying to make the point to young ... Read More

How to date a foreigner and NOT get your heart broken? by UKGuyInSaigon
Does anyone have any advice to offer to both foreign men and Vietnamese women about how to achieve long lasting success in a relationship?

Hi, Good points easy heart. Any chance you could elaborate more on what serious financial difficulties means? Surely this should never be a problem if two people love each other? I do know couples that have split up because of sexual ... Read More

Should I worry about Mosquitos at night? by Donysisi
I changed hotel today, it's on 6 floor with a great view! I want left windows Open at night, but worry about Mosquitos assault!

Hi, Denghi and other vector born diseases are more of a problem than Malaria. There was a post I was reading where the guy reakoned he'd got Denghi from the restaurant in the Sky Garden in PMY! Denghi is on the rise while Malaria is on the decline ... Read More

Looking for foreign sound engineer in Saigon by eumektrad
Hi everybody, I am looking for foreign sound engineer in Saigon Do you know coffee bar, magazine, web sites, ads, ... where I can find it? Thanks a lot Frederic emt-saigon@hcm.vnn.vn

Hi, I'm John from England. I have experience with sound equipment and can rig and operate P.a's also have experience with 24 trk studios etc.I play guitar and bass. What exactly is it you require? Cheers John Read More

unsafe in Nha Trang by YuZ
Hi all, I heard Nha Trang is not really safe at night. I'd appreciate any information on what to stay away from.

I used to drink at a friends bar in Nha Trang until 2 or 3 in the morning. We used to sit outside taking the cool night air philosophizing. On three times when I was there young couples would run up in total distress after being robbed by up to 12 ... Read More

looking for a tennis partners by rafaelfrench
Hi everyone, My name is rafael, I m french, i living in Saigon, i looking for tennis partners, i m free to move in different districts, i have time free all the week to play. Contact me 01 28 46 313 78 or by e mail thank you very much Bye

Hi Raphael, I would like to playI am free around 10 or 11 most days. I found an ok club to play in (2 dollars an hour) in district 10 on junction of cach man tham 8 an vo thi sau. I have been playing a while but I am not very good. I can win a few ... Read More

Look a motor cycle criminal by Vietaust
I was riding last year in my car, when I saw two motor bikes in the middle of the road, a large crowd was packed up against a wall, I could see some guys kicking some guy. My wife said "look there, motor cycle criminal blood coming out!" Anyway a ...

Wow, some videos! Yes, I used to drink at a friends bar in Nha Trang until 2 or 3 in the morning. We used to sit outside taking the cool night air philosophizing. On three times when I was there young couples would run up in total distress after ... Read More

Economic gripe. Again! by tennisanyone?
Hi again, I'm very sorry to mention finances again, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head. After all, I have been traveling round the world for quite a few years now and know the local economies and the tourist economies pretty well.Even ...

New York is not America? Read More

Economic gripe. Again! by tennisanyone?
Hi again, I'm very sorry to mention finances again, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head. After all, I have been traveling round the world for quite a few years now and know the local economies and the tourist economies pretty well.Even ...

Hi and thanks again for the input Howie. Did I mention that I have been in Vietnam for about 7 months? When I got here it was by hitch-hiking over the border from Laos. Vietnam sent a shiver up my spine, it was so beautiful especially in the ... Read More

Economic gripe. Again! by tennisanyone?
Hi again, I'm very sorry to mention finances again, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head. After all, I have been traveling round the world for quite a few years now and know the local economies and the tourist economies pretty well.Even ...

Hi Howie, thanks for your post. I agree with all you say except that I have traveled all over Vietnam and have found most shops and vendors to be just as dishonest. However, just take a walk to 3 or 4 other stores and you will find a reasonable ... Read More

Economic gripe. Again!
Hi again, I'm very sorry to mention finances again, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head. After all, I have been traveling round the world for quite a few years now and know the local economies and the tourist economies pretty well.Even ... Read More