English expat in Kuwait
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Salwa
Registration: 24 March 2013

Saudi transit visa by Ribosom
I have thought whether to post this here or in Saudi forum, but I the process is more likely to have been done by someone outside of KSA anyway. :) I am bearing an EU passport and have a UAE residency. In early August I am planning to road trip to ...

Thanks! I think I know where you mean so will head on over in the next few days and see what I can do. Read More

Saudi transit visa by Ribosom
I have thought whether to post this here or in Saudi forum, but I the process is more likely to have been done by someone outside of KSA anyway. :) I am bearing an EU passport and have a UAE residency. In early August I am planning to road trip to ...

Ribosam/Legacy Did the Saudi transit visa materialise as expected? Myself and a couple of friends (British nationals with Kuwaiti residency) are looking at driving to Bahrain/Dubai for no other reason other than it's there, we can, and it'll be a ... Read More

5-a-side football - you guys might call it soccer! by Grayline
Hi I am new to Kuwait (from the UK) this is my second week. I havent played 11-a-side or 5-a-side football for a few years but keen to get back into some football. Anyone who is interested or can point me in the right direction it would be much ...

Have been here 5 weeks now and am missing my fix of a kickaround. If you find anything let me know....otherwise it looks like we're 3/5's of a way to our own 5-a-side team already. Read More

British guy new in Kuwait by Ian5
Hi all Seeing as I've been in Kuwait a couple of weeks and just received my residency I thought it was about time to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. I'm a British guy in my early 30s looking for a Western flatmate to share a place with ...

Thanks for the welcome. I was fortunate with the residency so any wasta I did have I think has been used up already!! Read More

British guy new in Kuwait
Hi all Seeing as I've been in Kuwait a couple of weeks and just received my residency I thought it was about time to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. I'm a British guy in my early 30s looking for a Western flatmate to share a place with ... Read More