Brazilian citizen
Forum posts
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Lives in Macae
Registration: 10 April 2013

Advice for someone moving to Macae, Brazil by bvb4185
My company has asked me to take a position in Macae. I currently reside in Houston and my wife and I expect to be making the move within the next few months. I have traveled to Macae several times before on business but if there are one or two ...

Hi! I've been living in Macae for 33 years. Let me know if you need any help. Read More

Advice for someone moving to Macae, Brazil by bvb4185
My company has asked me to take a position in Macae. I currently reside in Houston and my wife and I expect to be making the move within the next few months. I have traveled to Macae several times before on business but if there are one or two ...

My husband (expat) and I have lived in Macae for 26 years. Your wife could join the Macae International Women's Club, which would be a wonderful source of information. There is a great new housing compound called Conceito A, with good security, a ... Read More