Belgian expat in Puerto Rico
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Corozal
Speaks Dutch, English, French
Registration: 14 May 2013

New Member by OMGLily
Hello Everyone, I am new to posting to a blog and I am very excited to finally work towards my dream. I am born and raised in Phoenix Arizona and just came out of a 28 year marriage. I still have two teens, almost cooked, living at home. I've ...

Welcome, I'm sure you will find many helpfull posts here. Read More

Moving to PR in february by agten
So I'm finally making my move from Belgium to Puerto Rico. Got married in July and we had it with the distance so i'm going to live with her. My question: Does anyone here know if there's any place where they speak dutch on the ...

Actually we are staying in PR for about 6 months then we move to TX or FL we didn't quite made a choice yet ;) Read More

Moving to PR in february by agten
So I'm finally making my move from Belgium to Puerto Rico. Got married in July and we had it with the distance so i'm going to live with her. My question: Does anyone here know if there's any place where they speak dutch on the ...

Corozal, Bayamon would be nice to find a job. anyways I will find out soon enough ;) Read More

Moving to PR in february
So I'm finally making my move from Belgium to Puerto Rico. Got married in July and we had it with the distance so i'm going to live with her. My question: Does anyone here know if there's any place where they speak dutch on the ... Read More

Hey, I was wondering if there is any House clubs on the island? Because i'm a Dj myself, and incase there aren't alot of clubs like these I might start a concept. Regards, Arno Read More

Looking to retire in Puerto Rico by Rikkie
Hi, my husband and I are retired in BC Canada and would like to retire or live 6 months or maybe year round in Puerto Rico. As a Canadian what is the medical insurance like? My husband has early Parkinson.What is the crime rate and is it safe living ...

I agree with Gregg, ALOT of stray dogs in PR, too bad u see alot of them dead on the highway aswell :( Read More

Earthquake....possible tsunami in the near future??? by Ivette0330
I am considering moving to Puerto Rico. I just heard about the earth quake last week. I also saw on TV that Puerto Rico is due for a tsunami... Scary... Where would be safest to live to prevent death if this natural disaster were to happen???

I would say nowhere.. I read about the Tsunami aswell " I just wanted to tell you about something my brother called me about this morning concerning Puerto Rico. His wife works at a hospital and he called me freaked out about the ... Read More

Read This Article If you are considering Moving to PR by GreggK
This is one of many things to consider when thinking about going to PR to live. A lot of choices and decisions have to be made and stuff like this should not be ignored, even if you personally have a good attitude about living there. Like I keep ...

At first me and my fiance wer gonna live in Pr, but she told me the same thing as the article says, economy is crashing, and this is just the beginning. So we decided to live in Belgium instead. Read More

Detroit weather
Hey, I was wondering if there happen alot of tornadoes in the area of Detroit? Read More

Concidering to move from Belgium to PR. by agten
I might concider moving to PR, but how hard is it to find a job there? and what area do you suggest?

i wouldn't have any problems with working in a shop for a few months/years. In particular a computer shop, anything that has to do with Pc's, laptops, tablets etc Read More

Concidering to move from Belgium to PR. by agten
I might concider moving to PR, but how hard is it to find a job there? and what area do you suggest?

There should be people on this forums who are able to help on this i think? Read More

Concidering to move from Belgium to PR.
I might concider moving to PR, but how hard is it to find a job there? and what area do you suggest? Read More

Arno says Hellooooo by agten

I'm impoving my spanish skills here! :p Read More

Arno says Hellooooo by agten

Si, mi novia vivo en Corozal :) Read More

Arno says Hellooooo by agten

No, yo vivo en belgica Read More