American expat in Costa Rica
Forum posts
About me
Lives in San Ramon
Registration: 21 October 2008

Do you need to be a resident, to get a CR drivers license? by Coloradomike
My USA drivers license expires this October, 2016. I am wondering if I can get a CR drivers license and not worry about my USA drivers license.

I know some who drive on an international drivers license. You may look into that also. Read More

Do you need to be a resident, to get a CR drivers license? by Coloradomike
My USA drivers license expires this October, 2016. I am wondering if I can get a CR drivers license and not worry about my USA drivers license.

Contact Martin @ smityrojas@gmail.com. Tell him Mae suggested him. The best Tico to know and speaks perfect English. If you are coming to the San Ramon area, you will want to ask him about residency assistance. Excellent, reliable, and invaluable in ... Read More

Moving to Costa Rica with your family by Bhavna
Hello everybody, When settling abroad with your spouse and children, the expatriation process requires an extensive preparation. What are the considerations to take into account when moving to Costa Rica with your family? What challenges have you ...

Check out a blog called Travel Mother. They lived in CR for a period of time. Read More

United PetSafe program by celferis
Hello: Has anyone used this program recently to transport pet dog? We are travelling from Newark to San Jose. My understanding is that, if dog is on same plane as we are, then a customs broker is not necessary. Thanks.

I traveled on American airlines, with two dogs. They were in the cargo and there were no issues in traveling from the states to San Jose. Looks like you may be using United airlines, I have not traveled on United with animals. Check their website to ... Read More

Can I be banned from Costa Rica for this? by boobooch5
Many years ago, when I was a very young man, I was arrested for domestic battery (I fought my cousin, as we always did, but his new girlfriend called the police on me). I pled no contest and judification was withheld. Would I be denied citizenship ...

You have to have a clean FBI report, so go get one and see if you pass. Then you'll have your answer. It will probably cost less than an lawyer. Read More

Bugs in my kitchen food storage
I have an observation and a question. I lived here in CR for 3 years, 2007-2010, and have moved back. I do not remember having bugs in my rice before. Today, I discovered that the rice I bought several months ago, which has been in a ziplock bag, ... Read More

Sending household items to Costa Rica from USA by samramon
Anyone do this? I'm not talking about a shipping container as we aren't shipping that much stuff. What we are interested in shipping is maybe 4-6 boxes maybe 24"x24" of some household stuff like our favorite blender, nutribullet, ...

I have a question for Dave too. Michael ships new also, right, at that price? Or just used. Read More

Sending household items to Costa Rica from USA by samramon
Anyone do this? I'm not talking about a shipping container as we aren't shipping that much stuff. What we are interested in shipping is maybe 4-6 boxes maybe 24"x24" of some household stuff like our favorite blender, nutribullet, ...

You can use boxes on American Air. The limit is 5 checked per person, find rates by calling them. Size is important, and weight or you are charged over size rate but a good way to ship something you love. Bring it with you is cheaper than shipping ... Read More

Feedback from property owners who hire caretakers for part of the year by Littlevt1
Hi Folks , My first post. We have a small finca, almost two years now. We don't live there full time. We have had a couple of volunteers to watch the property for a few months. That worked for a while then fell apart. We have also hired a local ...

Post on Gringo Central, excellent coverage. Site by same name. Read More

How long does it take to get construction approved? by samramon
I plan to build a cabin next year in the San Ramon area and am wondering : * How long does it take to get approval to build a home? * Does this depend on which county or city you are in or near? (If so do you have any info on the near-San Ramon ...

Thanks, for posting photos. Looks like the typical Tico house, after outside is finished... I would be interested to know what the walls are made of. Where is this located? Is the contractor local also? Read More

How long does it take to get construction approved? by samramon
I plan to build a cabin next year in the San Ramon area and am wondering : * How long does it take to get approval to build a home? * Does this depend on which county or city you are in or near? (If so do you have any info on the near-San Ramon ...

It is good to know that there are different qualities also. Research and scouting it out are defiantly a must. Please continue with photos/info. Read More

How long does it take to get construction approved? by samramon
I plan to build a cabin next year in the San Ramon area and am wondering : * How long does it take to get approval to build a home? * Does this depend on which county or city you are in or near? (If so do you have any info on the near-San Ramon ...

Great info! Thanks! That was why I was wanting to know where they were being made. Specs are everything! Read More

How long does it take to get construction approved? by samramon
I plan to build a cabin next year in the San Ramon area and am wondering : * How long does it take to get approval to build a home? * Does this depend on which county or city you are in or near? (If so do you have any info on the near-San Ramon ...

Yes, 'stay between the rails', a more traditional build. Also, I am laughing as I read that you mention a yurt. Reason...my brother and I stayed in one when we visited in Fairfield, Iowa the first of Oct. It was wind proof, pretty much, ... Read More

How long does it take to get construction approved? by samramon
I plan to build a cabin next year in the San Ramon area and am wondering : * How long does it take to get approval to build a home? * Does this depend on which county or city you are in or near? (If so do you have any info on the near-San Ramon ...

The pre-fab...What is the construction made of? Where? Is it imported? Read More

How long does it take to get construction approved? by samramon
I plan to build a cabin next year in the San Ramon area and am wondering : * How long does it take to get approval to build a home? * Does this depend on which county or city you are in or near? (If so do you have any info on the near-San Ramon ...

""Wealthy people are building pre-fab homes"...I don't think so!!! They are building with steel, cement, block and glass." You maybe right in cases, but I do know a family who did and they know others. I wad not saying ... Read More