
Michael Medina


Active member

American looking for information about Cambodia

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Registration: 26 June 2013


Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Do South Africans need return flight tickets to enter Cambodia? by MichelletoCambodia

Hi There, I am planning to enter Cambodia to live at the end of Jan 2017. As a South African entering on an SA passport, do I need to have a return ticket booked out of Cambodia and can I get my visa on arrival? Any help or info ...

Michael Medina

You're welcome girl...I'm sorry I didn't notice in you're thread that you already had the answer to your question. But one thing they wrote isn't really correct. Don't worry about bringing passport photos. I never bring them ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Do South Africans need return flight tickets to enter Cambodia? by MichelletoCambodia

Hi There, I am planning to enter Cambodia to live at the end of Jan 2017. As a South African entering on an SA passport, do I need to have a return ticket booked out of Cambodia and can I get my visa on arrival? Any help or info ...

Michael Medina

Hi... All you need to enter is a valid passport and yes you can get a 30 day visa on arrival. After that visa runs out you can choose to renew for 30 days, 6 months, or a year at any travel agency. Cambodia is the easiest place to enter and you can ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Cambodia provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Michael Medina

Oh, sorry i should have told you where you can get them. The original levi store is on the ground floor at aeon mall. The nike store is on monivong bkk 1. Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Cambodia provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Michael Medina

If you want real nike and levis theyll cost you. You can grab some levis for around $60 and real nikes will cost you $70- $200 depending on what you want. I bought the kids i sponsor some jeans and the khmer market for $9 a pair and some nike copies ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Cambodia provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Michael Medina

Hi You can get a visa from anywhere in Cambodia but it will always be sent to PP to be issued. You have to give your actual passport to any travel agency and they'll do it for you for a small additional fee. I've done it from Kampot, Siem ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Keeping up with the news in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Living in Cambodia provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public. What are ...

Michael Medina

My advice to you as a fellow American is you better check your fairness and equal sensibilities at the airport before coming here. If you're here for longer than a short holiday you will quickly see that the rich can do whatever they want here ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Adapting to the climate in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Adjusting to new climatic conditions is key in any expatriation process. Moving to Cambodia is no exception. What are the climate characteristics of Cambodia? How does the local weather impact your daily life, mood or ...

Michael Medina

Well, first off I'm from California, Northern California to be exact and I live right on the water so we average about 20-21 Celsius. I've traveled a lot in my life, in fact I was married in Rio de Janeiro Brasil so I have spent a lot of ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Tips and advice to thrive in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hi, When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes. How did you manage to adjust to Cambodia? How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy ...

Michael Medina

Its pretty much the same everywhere i go. It was a standard operating procedure make the natives hate themselves divide and conquer...hell its ingrained in our society in the states. Michael Jackson, really? Im a bit too fat for that comparison ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Where To by solar home system in Phnom Penh? by Ichs

Looking for Solar products , any advice?

Michael Medina

I don't know where in phnom Penh but check alibaba. com they will ship direct to phnom penh Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
8 years ago

Tips and advice to thrive in Cambodia by Priscilla

Hi, When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes. How did you manage to adjust to Cambodia? How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy ...

Michael Medina've got that right but stay away from the whitening products they contain mercury and or chlorine both carcinogenic. it's really funny that you say that and I made that observation early on in 2012 when I first arrived in ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
9 years ago

Moving to PP at the end of march by Gutbuster200

Hi all I am moving to pp, although I met and have friends at the bluedog bar I was wondering where would be the best places to meet new people? Also good areas to rent a flat would be helpful ☺ Thanks

Michael Medina

Wow...honestly Toul Sleng is never a relaxing 5 minute Tuk Tuk ride from the riverside. If you are traveling from 7:30am to 9:30 am 12:00pm to 1:30 pm or 5:00pm to 7:00pm from say riverside street 148 to toul sleng you are looking at a minimum 30 ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
9 years ago

Moving to PP at the end of march by Gutbuster200

Hi all I am moving to pp, although I met and have friends at the bluedog bar I was wondering where would be the best places to meet new people? Also good areas to rent a flat would be helpful ☺ Thanks

Michael Medina

Hi Gut.. I was looking for an apartment in September and through trial and error discovered that the Russian market area bkk3 has the highest concentration of apartment rentals and the best prices. You can spend between $250 and $300 for a basic ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
9 years ago

how to make money in Cambodia by buckshot

I am moving to Cambodia in late October. i am trying to come up with ideas. for business or way to make money in cambodia. any ideas. I am open to living anywhere in cambodia. buckshot

Michael Medina

ive seen the same and ive only been coming since 2012 although i do know two people that are doing well in sihanoukville. Turnover rate is very high. Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
9 years ago

how to make money in Cambodia by buckshot

I am moving to Cambodia in late October. i am trying to come up with ideas. for business or way to make money in cambodia. any ideas. I am open to living anywhere in cambodia. buckshot

Michael Medina

Bars are a dime a dozen in phnom penh and sihanoukville so there's quite a bit of competition for customers. I think it depends what kind of bar you are planning on opening. will it be a place to eat, drink and watch sports or a girlie bar ... Read More

Michael Medina
mikesmedina replied to a thread
9 years ago

Cambodian cuisine by Priscilla

Hi, When living abroad, tasting the local cuisine is part of discovering the country. What is your favorite food in Cambodia? What is the local speciality? Share with us the local tastes of Cambodia and why not your best ...

Michael Medina

Its hard for the average tourist who comes to Cambodia to really appreciate the cuisine especially for the tourist on the 3 days in Siem Reap, 2 days PP with a quick side trip to kampong som or kampot/kep circuit. After traveling all off north, ... Read More