Gene Whitmer
American expat in Brazil
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Goiânia
Speaks English, Portuguese, get by in Spanish.
Registration: 14 July 2013

Got a bank account in Brazil? Beware "Big Brother" is watching. by James
The Federal Constitution of 1988 Art. 5, X and XII are supposed to guarantee, as inviolable individual rights, the secrecy of banking information. Art. 5º Todos são iguais perante a lei, sem distinção de qualquer natureza, ...

I don't have a bank account. Had one for years then closed it because of the hassles. Cash talks now....especially with the recession. To get money from abroad, use ATMs. To pay bills go to the local loteca. Some you may need an account, ... Read More

Travelling overland (bus) from Sao Paulo to Lima (Peru) by zebedeespring
OK guys, I am permanent resident in Brazil and also have a British Passport. While in Sao Paulo bus station a little while back, I saw one of the bus companies Groupo Ormeno providing a service from Tiete, Sao Paulo to Lima, Peru. I did not have ...

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-12298257 https://brazilinhotpants.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/from-sao-paulo-at-the-atlantic-to-lima-at-the-pacific/ Link above has lots of photos. Read More

Health Insurance by travelr64
I know that with a retirement visa in Brazil I will be covered by the national health plan. I also understand that under this plan, at least in the region where I'll be living, the care isn't so great. Long waits, and not the best ...

Unimed. Cost R$ 1,200 per month for my wife and I via an extended family plan, but as James mentioned insurers can be problematic. SUS is hit and miss depending on your city and your medical needs. In the end, it is good to have a big bag of ... Read More

The plight of handicapped individuals in Brazil by James
The plight of handicapped individuals in Brazil. One would think that a nation, that even remotely imagines itself capable of hosting world class events such as the FIFA World Cup 2014 and the Summer Olympic Games 2016, would give at least a little ...

Sidewalk 1, Gringo 0 https://picasaweb.google.com/103320478541012677726/BRGoianiaSidewalks?authuser=0&feat=directlink This sidewalk has been in this condition for several years and only gets worse. Have walked it many times so I was aware of ... Read More

Merry Christmas / Feliz Natal by James
https://musicnoteblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/merry-christmas-2.jpg To All Members of the Brazil Forum, I'm wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. May it be one filled with joy and peace, but most of all filled with ...

Hi James, Hope all is going well. 33 here this afternoon....on the hot side, but I don't miss those Winters up North. Merry Christmas and maybe a Happy New Year? kkkkkkkkkkkkk Read More

Safety of bank deposits in Brazil by ndfansince53
My wife and I intend to retire in Brazil in a few years. She is a Brazilian citizen. I am an American citizen. A question has come up about the advisability of taking advantage of the current exchange rates and to transfer US$ to a bank account in ...

I was in the States when Collor froze the accounts. I arrived a couple of days later at Guarulhos Airport, which was empty...dead! Most flights had been cancelled. No money, no passengers, no flights. I ended up waiting until late that afternoon ... Read More

hello every one!! I am a marine engineer from India moving out to Brazil permanently by marrying my Brazilian girlfriend by end of December 2015 or in January 2016.I am currently sailing with Hong Kong based ship ...

Sorry. I haven't read about any international companies hiring. Good luck. Read More

hello every one!! I am a marine engineer from India moving out to Brazil permanently by marrying my Brazilian girlfriend by end of December 2015 or in January 2016.I am currently sailing with Hong Kong based ship ...

Do some research and get a list of all International shipping or oil services companies working in BR. Apply to them directly. That is a long short, but it is a 100 times better to come to BR with an International company. I read about a year ... Read More

any US citizen having problems receiving social security disability ? by ohanasurf
I receive social security disability here in the US. I am moving to Brasil. Just wondering how anyone is receiving payments in Brasil.

Money goes into US account and then you withdraw here using your debit card at an ATMs. Read More

Great news! Is it really? by James
The entire Brazilian media is celebrating the great news that Brazil has risen one rank on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). It has climbed to 79th place in the 2013 HDI report from 80th in the previous year. Wow, now that's ...

I've been here a total of 31 years beginning in 1964. How much time do you need? :-) Read More

RN license and work visa by obriek45
Hello! I'm thinking about moving to Brazil, maybe São Paulo or Belo Horizonte. I was wondering if I could get some information on obtaining a work visa. Also, I will have my nursing license for the United States, but I don't know ...

I apologize. Didn't note your language skills. Read More

RN license and work visa by obriek45
Hello! I'm thinking about moving to Brazil, maybe São Paulo or Belo Horizonte. I was wondering if I could get some information on obtaining a work visa. Also, I will have my nursing license for the United States, but I don't know ...

Short answer no. No Portuguese, no license. No license, no visa. Read More

Oh Brazil! by GringogGene
Friend living in Northern California went to BR Consulate in San Francisco to pick up her passport/visa for travel to BR this month. It was closed in order to watch the BR/GER match. One lady had flown down from Seattle and was booked back that ...

The American has lived in Brazil and returned to visit a couple of times over the years. The other lady was Brazilian. No mention of closings during the WC on the website. Read More

Oh Brazil!
Friend living in Northern California went to BR Consulate in San Francisco to pick up her passport/visa for travel to BR this month. It was closed in order to watch the BR/GER match. One lady had flown down from Seattle and was booked back that ... Read More

Brazilian housing bubble? When will it burst? by VictoriaChandler
I'm moving to Brazil later this year and will be getting married to my fiance who has been a permanent resident of Brazil for 30 years. We are considering buying an apartment in Campinas, but based on everything I've read, the Brazilian ...

I don't know. Gut feeling is, yes, the bubble will burst, but I have no clue as to when......6 mths, 12 mths.... who knows? The Government is very interventionists, so normal economic principles do not apply. :-) Throw in the exchange rate ... Read More