Paraguayan citizen
Forum posts
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Speaks Spanish, English, Guarani, Portuguese
Registration: 31 October 2008

My subject title is kind of an oxymoron isn't it? Moving but I don't know where... To start off.. my name's Derrick. I am 26 years of age living right across from good ol' Manhattan. Money center of the world. NYC. Over the past ...

Hello there, Nice plan! What I can tell you is that for air conditioning fitting you can expect about 30 bucks and that there are lots of opportunities in summer time (October - March). During colder season sales are weaker (May / July). I guess ... Read More

Receiving mail in Paraguay by Pman
Do any of you have experience receiving mail from abroad? I'm talking about regular mail, not DHL, etc. If somedbody just puts my home adress on it, I suspect it won't be delivered at this adress but will strand at the post office. Do I need ...

Hello Pman, you can check your CEP (postal code) and add that to your address, house number, neighbourhood and city for Asuncion codes: ... Read More

apart hotel in cento asuncion by jacobglobo
hello i am looking for 600 to 700 dolres for month a apart hotel in centro asuncion or any small clean safe hotel thanks for any informtion i like it for 3 to 6 m,o0nth rent

Hello Jacob, Here you have an option in airbnb https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/2856774?s=mrCz they have monthly rental offers in your budget that includes breakfast and other ammenities. If you prefer dealing with them directly the email is ... Read More

Importing a Car from the US, which company to use by the_pit
Hi, I was thinking on importing a car from US for personal use, I am used to importing from Europe, but have never imported from US before. Assuming this is for personal use, and that I would be going to the US, buy the car in person, which company ...

I did something similar few years ago. Try importing a flex fuel car so you get a custom exemption and only pay VAT and minor port duties. Try: Peniel Internacional, Mario Quinonez Cattebeke, cel +595982179256 and penielint@gmail.com, skype: ... Read More

15% growth rate for Paraguay by cheshire
I saw the other day that Paraguay was the second fastest growing economy in the world last year with a gowth rate of just over 15% (IMF figures)....anyone know how is this happening??

it looks like a great year again in 2013 :) http://www.5dias.com.py/20742-fmi-estima-que-crecimiento-de-paraguay-en-2013-ser-uno-de-los-mayores-del-mundo Paraguay is preparing its first ever sovereing debt for 550 m USD next year and investment ... Read More

Cerveza Selection - What kind of beers can I look forward to? by FreeRangeJoel
So, from our limited amount of research so far, we've learned that wine is quite cheap, and that a night out at a pub won't bankrupt you the way it does here in Vancouver. I always love to try different beers whenever I travel... so are there any ...

Nice question! Baviera, Pilsen and Victoria local ones to try. Most of the beers available are lager. One of the best pubs for beer is Astoria. They have a website. There are places with local made beer too. You can find those in Walterio wchich ... Read More

Cost of living in Paraguay by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very useful to talk about the cost of living in Paraguay. Don't forget to mention where in Paraguay you are living. How much does it cost to live in Paraguay? > accommodation prices > public transportation fares (tube, ...

hi sharpie, i'd go for the shipping option. there are quality furniture here but it is much more expensive than the US eg: sofas, etc Bed, tables are ok here but sofas and other items are better brought in... that is my opinion Read More

I need way to get to Paraguay by land from Chile... (a bus preferably) by stevewoods
I would like to go from Chile to Paraguay by bus, car, or train.

bus Santiago / Asuncion Tuesdays and Fridays http://www.pdelsur.cl/index2.php?pagina=new_pds_internacional.php Read More

cooperativa. by geintje
How far can you trust a cooperativa?

another option is investing in real state. There is an opportunity with Fortaleza Inmuebles http://www.fortalezainmuebles.com/list_proyectos.php where you pay the equivalent to 186 USD / month for 20 years and you get a 3 bed appartment in one of ... Read More

cooperativa. by geintje
How far can you trust a cooperativa?

hi geintje, there are "renta fija" opportunities at the Bolsa de Valores from reputable companies looking for creditors to buy fixed rent assets eg. for 6, 12 months, etc with fixed interest rates. Options in USD or local money. You can have full ... Read More

cooperativa. by geintje
How far can you trust a cooperativa?

Cooperatives are not supervised by the Central Bank, but for the INCOOP which is the Institute Nacional de Cooperativismo. Savers holding savings accounts in Paraguayan Coops ARE NOT protected by the Central Bank Fondo de Proteccion de Depositos ... Read More

Big Paraguay Inquiry Thread! by A3mbition
WARNING: THIS POST WILL LIKELY BE LONG AS HELL. IF YOU'RE A LAZY READER, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY NOT GO ANY FURTHER THAN THIS SENTENCE. JUST SAYING. G'day, everyone. I've done some research, and have decided that Paraguay is a place I want to set up ...

LOCATION For renting apartments, you can look at classified adds http://clasificados.abc.com.py/rubro.php?rubro=CL30&subrubro=CL3004 Avoid shopping del Sol, Villa Morra areas because of the price. 250 / 400 USD are reasonable prices that you can ... Read More

Hotel Accomodation in Asuncion by Aura.T.Mager
Hello, can somebody tell me, whether it' s a good choice to stay for vacation in Asuncion in the Yacht and Golf Club Hotel? Thanks AM

hi there, that is a great resort like hotel with plenty of ammenities. best! Read More

golpe de estado by johnbarley
How is it affecting things in Paraguay?

In my opinion, it is a legal impeachment of a good for nothing leader that have neither the approval of the Parlament, nor the approval of the people. I am Paraguayan, and I had voted for him along with 3 other members of my family. We had long ... Read More

Looking for a really nice trainer and a world class gym in Asuncion by ThaiFood
Guys, anyone can give me tips on this?

It is not a place where you can sit or buy take away. Your only chance is to make the order online with your desired ingredients and wait at home for delivery. It is very efficient system honestly. The food is ready at your door in about 30 min. ... Read More