Hoang Nguyen
English expat in Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ho Chi Minh City
Speaks English, Vietnamese
Registration: 08 August 2013

Where to eat a good FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST in Ho Chi Minh City? by maxvigier
My stomach is homesick! Would anyone know a good restaurant that can serve a real English breakfast? Cheers

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10351230_10152433890535255_1394099387307114168_n.jpg?oh=63f93ab15115b24eb650967f5bd01770&oe=547D94B1&__gda__=1416788196_5a142081ea2717676e898525d731ae21 Phatty's Restaurant ... Read More

Where to eat a good FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST in Ho Chi Minh City? by maxvigier
My stomach is homesick! Would anyone know a good restaurant that can serve a real English breakfast? Cheers

If u wanna get a proper English Breakfast, try this place : Phatty's Restaurant 46-48 Ton That Thiep St., Ben Nghe Ward, Dist 1 Read More

Does anyone really like to eat a McDonalds hamburger? by I do believe
I haven't had a McDonalds hamburger for some time and was quite pleased when one of my students brought one in for me at our last class. I thanked her effusively and scarfed it down in no time; she was pleased at my obvious pleasure. In fact I ...

I agreed that fast food is unhealthy in case of regularly consumption as containing high volume of Cholesterol, saturated fat, salt and so on. But TBH, some of McDonald's hamburgers are very tasty. I'd worked for a McDonald restaurant for 2 ... Read More

Looking for help by Psaim
Hi every one. I am a new member and frequent traveller to HCMC. I will be visiting HCMC next week and need someone to assist me in conversing with local Vietnamese in English by translating English to Vietnamese vice versa.

Hi every one. I am a new member and frequent traveller to HCMC. I will be visiting HCMC next week and need someone to assist me in conversing with local Vietnamese in English by translating English to Vietnamese vice versa.Hi Psaim, I think I can ... Read More

Where can I buy the organic extra virgin olive oil? by truc_nguyen
Can anyone here recommend me where I can buy the organic extra virgin olive oil. I bought some at the organik shop in Thao Dien but it seems a little expensive for me as I want to buy in bulk. If you know any information which I can search online, ...

Can anyone here recommend me where I can buy the organic extra virgin olive oil. I bought some at the organik shop in Thao Dien but it seems a little expensive for me as I want to buy in bulk. If you know any information which I can search online, ... Read More

health insurance cover ( life and death ) by MarkinNam
I have seen the associated insurance companies speel but would like to know if any one uses them or who they are with and how efficient they are, also, in the event of death, VN won't bury you here so what sort of service these companies offer ...

I have seen the associated insurance companies speel but would like to know if any one uses them or who they are with and how efficient they are, also, in the event of death, VN won't bury you here so what sort of service these companies offer ... Read More

Organize an Expat blog meet-up! by Julien
Hi all, Should you want to organize a gathering with the other members, in your town, we would be pleased to help :). It is indeed a great way to meet new people, isn't it? If you would like to plan a get-together, do not hesitate to ...

I'm interested in the organization of meetings between members. If you need the venue, I think I can funding for it. I have 1 restaurant in Phu My Hung area can hold about 50 peoples. Please contact me if I provide information useful.Hey ... Read More

looking for contacts in HCMC by sailingholidays
Hello there :) I'm looking for some new local conections about sailing & boat building coz I'd like offer my professional skills. As well I'm looking to rent a house or apartment - something nice for a small budget first. Kind ...

Welcome to Vietnam, I hope you'll enjoy your time here. I'd love to help you to learn Vietnamese and be familiar with the culture. You don't need to exchange anything. Tony Read More

I want to know about Vietnam by patricbabu
Hi Everyone! I'm patric from Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India. At present I work at Dubai, UAE. 'm planning to work at Vietnam next year, before that I would like to know some details about the city. I've heard its a beautiful and developing ...

Hi Patric, Relating to your concerns, I'd like to tell you my opinion : 1. Language is not a big problem. Many VNese people can communicate in English. If you take a look at this forum, there are some members who are willing to help you to learn ... Read More

Gym Price by tintinmiami2013
All, How much is your gym membership in HCMC? I understand that it varies from District to District in HCMC but I just want to get an idea. Thanks. Tin Tin

All, How much is your gym membership in HCMC? I understand that it varies from District to District in HCMC but I just want to get an idea. Thanks. Tin TinThere is a new Gym opened near my place (Tan Binh Dist). Membership is VND 300.000 a ... Read More

Looking forward church in english version by emanuelasun
Hello everybody, somebody could suggest me any church in english version in district 1 or better district 7 also hours. Thank you so much Emanuela

I go Ba Chuong Chuch every Sunday at 10 am. The mass is completely in English. Address : 190 LÊ VĂN SỸ, P.10, Phú Nhuận, TP HCM or 190 Le Van Sy St., Ward 10., Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC. Tony Read More

practice your english and travel vietnam with me.(looking for product) by Aus/leb
Hey guys, my name is Moey 27yrs old Im currently in lebanon from australia looking to make a permanent move to vietnam. Firstly i want to give a 3 months trial in exploring the export business agriculture/apparel or any product to export globally . ...

Hey Tony Yeah i got plenty of ideas aswell hopefully we can help eachother succeed pur goals , il be in vietnam 22 jun we should meet. Give me your number ill call you when i settle in.Look forward to seeing u soon. Tony Read More

Organize an Expat blog meet-up! by Julien
Hi all, Should you want to organize a gathering with the other members, in your town, we would be pleased to help :). It is indeed a great way to meet new people, isn't it? If you would like to plan a get-together, do not hesitate to ...

can i join?This is an open group. Everyone can take part in the upcoming meetings. Read More

Organize an Expat blog meet-up! by Julien
Hi all, Should you want to organize a gathering with the other members, in your town, we would be pleased to help :). It is indeed a great way to meet new people, isn't it? If you would like to plan a get-together, do not hesitate to ...

Erik D please text me : 0902 435 four three five. We can meet up at 6:30 pm. The place : The adress : Du Mien coffee, 48/9A Hồ Biểu Chánh, Phú Nhuận. Breitho, Thien Ngan, Tony and counting. Tony Read More

English Club Meeting- Sunday, June 1 by tomkat70
Another new month is approaching, I hope everyone are looking forward to the weekend. This coming Sunday, I would like to invite everyone to join our English club meeting, just come to make friend, and exchange culture, and helping the locals to ...

Ngan, please text me : 0902 435 four three five. We can meet up at 6:30 pm. The place : The adress : Du Mien coffee, 48/9A Hồ Biểu Chánh, Phú Nhuận. Breitho, r u coming? Tony Read More