Vu Manh Cuong
Vietnamese citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ho Chi Minh City
Speaks English
Registration: 03 September 2013

Customs delays ? by GuestPoster288
Anyone experiencing longer than usual delays getting items cleared through the customs sheds ? I have imported some motorcycle parts from the USA and they have been stuck in customs for 10 days, double the time it usually takes.

Service charge by lbs; normaly around 3.5$/lbs; if ur things just that, then better keep using Fedex; my stuff is some luxury things (cosmetics, watch, shoes, clothing...) Read More

Customs delays ? by GuestPoster288
Anyone experiencing longer than usual delays getting items cleared through the customs sheds ? I have imported some motorcycle parts from the USA and they have been stuck in customs for 10 days, double the time it usually takes.

Stain, Definitely shipping by Fedex ll be faster, but sure price + tax ll be higher. My way is like “hand carry” way; using the relationship with Custom Officers then can avoid some tax - here we call 50 - 50 (50% tax for Officer, 50% ... Read More

Customs delays ? by GuestPoster288
Anyone experiencing longer than usual delays getting items cleared through the customs sheds ? I have imported some motorcycle parts from the USA and they have been stuck in customs for 10 days, double the time it usually takes.

I have been shipping things from us to hcm, since 5 years ago, by my service- ofcourse it always take arround like max 14 days by air cargo. If any one interest on doing business between Us-VN, then feel free to contact me, i have my own company in ... Read More

Any one join this Exhibition on Oct 2019? by Johnimee
Hi, I am planning to join this Exhibition -http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en/index.aspx-in Guangzhou and after that i ll come to some other place to find more buyer/importer for my bird's nest product. Is there any one did join that one before? ...

already, pls accept Read More

Any one join this Exhibition on Oct 2019? by Johnimee
Hi, I am planning to join this Exhibition -http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en/index.aspx-in Guangzhou and after that i ll come to some other place to find more buyer/importer for my bird's nest product. Is there any one did join that one before? ...

yes i have wechat- my num is ***- i would lịe to join this Ex. Thanks Read More

Any one join this Exhibition on Oct 2019?
Hi, I am planning to join this Exhibition -http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en/index.aspx-in Guangzhou and after that i ll come to some other place to find more buyer/importer for my bird's nest product. Is there any one did join that one before? ... Read More

Need help in import/export to/from Vietnam by Amy Nagaty
Hello I am Amy a business woman. I want to start a business in import/export between Egypt and Vietnam .I was to start with exporting Cheese products from Egypt to Vietnam.Since i lived for some time in Vietnam,saw the markets and found the cheese ...

did u do the research mảketing here? Thats just what u think; vietnam market seems eassy for start up but when u jump in, u will get alots dificulties; as a vietnamese, i think u should do a carefully research what kind of things u want to ... Read More

A website to order things like vitamins, nutritional drinks? by omnitraveller18
I'm only used to how things are in the West (a la amazon.com hehe) But how about in Viet Nam? Which website, small or big, that we can order things like vitamins or dietary/nutritional drinks such as Ensure, that we can use in Viet Nam? I ...

Thanks bro; cause i buy alots things from us then i need to ship it here as cheap as can; otherwwise cant compare with the things made in china and imported here Read More

Dual citizenship in Vietnam for a Viet Kieu? by sofimofi
Hello all, My parents were born and raised here but moved to Canada in the 70s. I was born in Canada. Is there any way I can apply for a dual citizenship in Vietnam? I have been living here for about 1.5 months and intend on living here for the ...

When u come back Việt Nam, inbox me; i m free now and willing to help cause i wanna widen my network as i m doing business with Us Read More

A website to order things like vitamins, nutritional drinks? by omnitraveller18
I'm only used to how things are in the West (a la amazon.com hehe) But how about in Viet Nam? Which website, small or big, that we can order things like vitamins or dietary/nutritional drinks such as Ensure, that we can use in Viet Nam? I ...

Just contacted them today and they charge 9$/kg. Its too expensive bro. My agent charge me cheaper than that one. Time to deliver thing to ur play in Việt Nam is from 12-14 days. Read More

Tennis Players by fuerza_bruta
Hey Guys, My friend from China is currently here in Saigon and shes looking where to play tennis and for people to play tennis with. All those that are interested please let me know, thanks

If play in evening then how much we have to pay/hour? Read More

A website to order things like vitamins, nutritional drinks? by omnitraveller18
I'm only used to how things are in the West (a la amazon.com hehe) But how about in Viet Nam? Which website, small or big, that we can order things like vitamins or dietary/nutritional drinks such as Ensure, that we can use in Viet Nam? I ...

5$/kg is so cheap; u mean this is the fee for door to door shipping? Read More

Registration company by Zahra5
Hello If somebody wants to register a company in Vietnam , how much cost for registration and start a small business? Thank you

What is ur nation? If no one can help, then in box me. There r so many foreign guys in this forum who lived in Việt Nam so many years n seem know everything; just wait for them to comment; i m free now then have time to post my comment Read More

A website to order things like vitamins, nutritional drinks? by omnitraveller18
I'm only used to how things are in the West (a la amazon.com hehe) But how about in Viet Nam? Which website, small or big, that we can order things like vitamins or dietary/nutritional drinks such as Ensure, that we can use in Viet Nam? I ...

I m the one ưsually ỏder/buy things from amazon too as the way you do; may i know how much per lbs for the Cosmetics shipping fee? Read More

Tennis Players by fuerza_bruta
Hey Guys, My friend from China is currently here in Saigon and shes looking where to play tennis and for people to play tennis with. All those that are interested please let me know, thanks

From that time court is free then we can book to play Yong; from monday to friday I can play. Inbox me ur contact then we can chat to discuss more. Thanks, Cuong Vu Read More