Chilean looking for information about Ukraine
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Santiago
Registration: 04 October 2013
cafe business $25 000 then three year lease - is that ok? by guitarman3
hi, i am trying to buy/rent an existing cafe in kyiv, the current tenant wants a premium of $25,000 to leave the business and let me take over, i can then sign a 3 year lease with the owner, and go from there. is there any advice anyone can give me ...
In addition, taxes are related to sales...the higher taxes it monthly pays, then sales are good but if cafe pays low taxes (obtained for sales), then you will have your answer... Read More
cafe business $25 000 then three year lease - is that ok? by guitarman3
hi, i am trying to buy/rent an existing cafe in kyiv, the current tenant wants a premium of $25,000 to leave the business and let me take over, i can then sign a 3 year lease with the owner, and go from there. is there any advice anyone can give me ...
Check current sales, check taxes payments in the past. This will give you an idea. Read More