Kuwaiti citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Kuwait
Registration: 02 April 2010

Buying a used car by raghdamal
Thanks again wlrooks. We were planning to buy a used car at first with our own funds... do you have any idea how much used cars cost? will we find something around 700KD? any brand, any model.. and the other car will be new using installments...

I was browsing around and found a used jaguar with the same exact price you are asking for kw.mazban.com/en/post/veh/0018b-jaguar.html Read More

the mazban community
Hello, This website is really a good place to start a community, am the owner of an old thread https://www.expat.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=417 this thread was a huge success, after posting in a while I ended up meeting a lot of people. We did ... Read More

why my classified post is not appearing? by mo.mughrabi
I posted one yesterday about my camera and been waiting since then. Got a message saying it must be approved first and will appear on our site but i guess no one there to approve! Please! even here we need to get a wasta? :P

cheers :D Read More

Family Planning Conundrums by legacy
are you newly weds? are you in a relationship and thinking of tying the knot? what are some of the discussions you would have with your significant other? one that has recently crept its way into my talks with my significant other, albeit jokingly ...

Whilst on the subject of family planning..... What is the maternity care like in Kuwait? If we come we would seriously be considering completing our family with just one more!! Would I be better coming back to the UK to give birth? Em xIf you ... Read More

Traveling in Dec? where to? by ny_lqueen
r u travelin in Dec for Christmas & New yr? where to? n what's different n new this yr? in case u r not than how would u spend the holidays in kuwait?

If only I could travel for the New Year I'd definitely go to Dubai!its too late to plan anything by now. A friend of mine was going through hotels in Dubai during new years, prices were crazy! everything tripled! :mad::mad: Read More

why my classified post is not appearing?
I posted one yesterday about my camera and been waiting since then. Got a message saying it must be approved first and will appear on our site but i guess no one there to approve! Please! even here we need to get a wasta? :P Read More

Apartments in Kuwait by olewhs
I am looking for some good apartments in kuwait for an american. month to month would be the best

I have a website i found out about an hour ago. A pretty cool site, you can search for apartment there. but am scared to share the link :P someone here knows what I mean :P hehehe Read More

Furnished apartment by jeibel
hello, I have just been transferred to Kuwait. I'm looking for a furnished apartment with 3 bedroom for my family and me. preferably close to the Salmiya district. can you help? thank you

correction; uve been telling everyone about this company coz u are advertising for em.. tsk tsk. keep it in the classifieds pleasehuh! wth! just saw it for the first time. Had no clue it existed two hours ago! Read More

Moving to Kuwait by jxcuevas
I have received a job offer from a Petrochemical company and I am considering relocating to Kuwait from The Netherlands. The company is located in the Al Ahmadi area. Can anyone give me some advice about nice areas to live ? Is it better to rent a ...

You could get a rental house in Al Ahmadi itself for a decent price. They are cheaper considering its quite far from the down town. But if you are looking for something in the middle, close enough to international schools and about 30 minute drive ... Read More

Furnished apartment by jeibel
hello, I have just been transferred to Kuwait. I'm looking for a furnished apartment with 3 bedroom for my family and me. preferably close to the Salmiya district. can you help? thank you

did you try q8property.comcool site.. Read More

Traveling in Dec? where to? by ny_lqueen
r u travelin in Dec for Christmas & New yr? where to? n what's different n new this yr? in case u r not than how would u spend the holidays in kuwait?

never stayed in kuwait during new years for the past 6 years. this year am partying in amsterdam! Read More

insurance agent by sweetjo87
i just wanna ask if anybody here knows if how much is the salary of an insurance agent and is it true that commision base only..:blink:

I work in an insurance company and where I work its not the case. So, no its not commission based only. Read More

Activity group (Basketball, scuba, running, cafe's) by mo.mughrabi
Hi all, Kuwait can be a bit boring if you are alone. So, I had an idea few months ago to post in public forums about putting a basketball team together, every Friday morning, surprisingly a lot of people showed up and it was a huge success. Now ...

Hey, I went to the salsa classes at the Hilton, and I have to say I wasn't very impressed. My friend goes to Movenpick (Salwa) and she says they're good there, also I think they may have them at Palms (as well as other types of dance classes....I ... Read More

Need a good Samaritan in Maidan Hawalli area by StephJacksonAli
I am an American citizen recently married to a man born in Kuwait. We are trying to fill out all his paperwork to become a permanent resident and need his birth certificate. The problem is, his parents are not happy about the union and refuse to ...

Hi, I don't believe you need to know someone for this process. Well, to recap, your bf was born in Kuwait and he does not have his birth certificate on him and he would like to issue a new one? am I correct? If that's the case, he can take a ... Read More

Americans in Kuwait by the_maestro_87
Hello, I have a friend who wants to visit Kuwait within this month, and I'd love to ask about what's required for him to come to Kuwait, like the passport, visa and stuff like that, if anyone could help me please and contact me in private, thanks in ...

s/he can get a visa upon arrival, s/he only have to prove a place of residence. A hotel reservation, apartment..etc Cheers, Read More