English looking for information about Malta
Forum posts
About me
Lives in sunderland
Registration: 21 October 2013

Situation on Rental Market by Delfinita78
Hi Everyone, I am arriving to Malta in 3 weeks and have already contacted several real estate agencies. I am getting a bit frustrated because they are not being very helpful and rather pessimistic about my specifications. What I am looking for : 2 ...

You have anywhere in Swatar less than 800 a month , pet friendly and big outside space? Read More

Recruitment Agencies by BigPhil1
Can anyone recommend a decent recruitment agency, so far my experience with recruiters has been very poor.

I keep hearing that all sectors are desperate for staff but when you apply you hear nothing back Read More

Situation on Rental Market by Delfinita78
Hi Everyone, I am arriving to Malta in 3 weeks and have already contacted several real estate agencies. I am getting a bit frustrated because they are not being very helpful and rather pessimistic about my specifications. What I am looking for : 2 ...

Contact michael stockdale on facebook he is very good Read More

Situation on Rental Market by Delfinita78
Hi Everyone, I am arriving to Malta in 3 weeks and have already contacted several real estate agencies. I am getting a bit frustrated because they are not being very helpful and rather pessimistic about my specifications. What I am looking for : 2 ...

We have two dogs and found it really hard to find anywhere decent, we now pay 800 euro a month for a three bedroom ground floor terhan (sp) massive patio and we love it Read More

My Maltese job offer has been withdrawn by Scopas
Hi guys, I am seeking for your advice here as I recently moved to Malta under the promise (signed job offer) of a pretty decent job for which I quid from my previous one in the UK. Things started to turn weird when they postponed the starting date ...

I hate the recruitment process in Malta, discrimination is rife Read More

Barclays Telephone Security is a Joke - Total Incompetence by elusien
Picture this: I get a phone call from someone claiming to be from Barclays Bank. B Hello this is Barclays Bank is that Mr. Gullible? Me: Yes. B: Before I can speak with you I need to ask you some questions. Could you give me your date of birth? Me: ...

What a load of rubbish that is Read More

average salary and cost of living in malta by claire&milos
hi peeps can anyone please give us a indication to the average monthley salary and the cost of basic living???

Vacancies at HSBC for English speakers Read More

Renting a flat with a dog by terrapin68
Hi My family and I will be moving to Malta at the end of February/beginning of March and had a flat all organised, with help from a Maltese friend. Our UK home is sold (just waiting to exchange contracts) and half the house is packed or stored. We ...

There are places but hard to find Read More

Help for a UK family considering moving to Malta by Manxy
Hi all, We are a family of four who have been presented with an opportunity to relocate to Malta but as you can imagine have so many things to consider. We have been reading many posts on the forums and it appears there are a lot of other Expats ...

I live in mellieha and travel to Birkikara for work it will take around 30 to 45 mins depending on traffic. It's very safe here and sure there is a school Read More

Help for a UK family considering moving to Malta by Manxy
Hi all, We are a family of four who have been presented with an opportunity to relocate to Malta but as you can imagine have so many things to consider. We have been reading many posts on the forums and it appears there are a lot of other Expats ...

I vary my route, leave around 6:30 if I leave at 7am it would be around 45 mins Read More

Help for a UK family considering moving to Malta by Manxy
Hi all, We are a family of four who have been presented with an opportunity to relocate to Malta but as you can imagine have so many things to consider. We have been reading many posts on the forums and it appears there are a lot of other Expats ...

I work in Birkirkara and live in Mellieha it is a 35 minute drive to work Read More

Working in Malta - Moving from UK by jordlea
Hi guys, I am very new to this, and i've never moved away from my hometown before so moving to malta would be a massive step, At the moment i have a passport and money in my bank. I intend to make a move to malta perminant, Before i come out ...

I have been over here three months now. My best tip is Do your own research for everything as everyone has a bullshit story to tell in Malta Read More

Offer to drive a car from the UK to Malta by charlieam1
I am currently in the UK until early July before returning to Malta....IF anyone would like me to drive their UK based car back to Malta ( i did this last year so know the ropes) then I am happy to do so over a 4 to 5 day period with the owner ...

I have recently drove from England to Malta and will do it again if anyone wants me to drive or share driving a car over Read More

Lonely in Malta by lauradora93
Hi! I'm new to Malta, British, 21, speak french and basic german and Spanish as well as English of course. Just wanting to meet some people really?!! Any coffee groups or anything?? Thanks in advance! Laura

My wife and I are new to Malta, we are always happy to meet up for a coffee or a beer ;) Read More

Travelling with dogs in taxi's or buses? by RoyR5085
Hi again everyone, Any advice or information/rules etc in regard to every day travelling with dogs in with taxi's, public buses or other types of buses etc? I am learning that you can have a lap dog only but not sure and whether a taxi will ...

Godwins taxi Melliha acceped my two dogs Read More