Italian expat in Norway
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Registration: 30 October 2013

Being convincing to an employer in Norway by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Finding a job in Norway is no easy feat. From applying for a job all the way to job interviews, the etiquette can be different abroad. Specially job interviews, that can already be pretty daunting, can feel even worse when set in ...

Interviews are normally done with lunch or dinner. Bringing a parent is common and very accepted. A small gift is often expected, like a flower, some eatable like cheese, or perhaps a book.Ok, I usually do not post, but this is just going to get you ... Read More

How to deal with stress when moving to Norway by Priscilla
Moving abroad is no easy feat. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress, so we invite you to share some insights regarding this topic. What are the main factors that contribute to stress when moving to Norway (cultural adaptation, ...

Life in Norway is considerably more relaxing than other countries from my experience, given you have a job and a work contract to go with it. Norwegians are quite reserved and do not like spending their time judging others, once you realize these ... Read More

Hello everyone by Aseel9
Could anyone please give me some information about norway

I am still quite sure the oil industry induced gdp is not 60% of the country's economy :) Read More

Hello everyone by Aseel9
Could anyone please give me some information about norway

The oil fund is called oil fund because the money in it came from the oil industry, not because its value is based on oil :) Currently it's valued over 1 Trillion USD. I'd say it's healthy. Currently the state is curbing spending, which ... Read More

Looking for work/jobs in norway for someone who mainly speaks English by lukas502
Hi all, i'm predominantly looking for work in the city of stavanger or areas around. I mainly speak English and have very slowly started to learn Norwegian. Ideal id like to move at the end of summer/start of autumn by then i should have a ...

@Lukas: Finding a job while speaking good English and no/bad Norwegian is only possible if you offer something in your skillset that Norwegians to not have and is in demand. I am not talking about "I'm very nice", I'm talking about ... Read More

Learning Norwegian, Norwegian films by LoreleiLee
Hiya, I'm learning Norwegian (my first day!) Was just wondering if anyone had any tips, especially Norwegian films, documentaries with the speaking language' of Norwegian and English subs. I feel that submerging myself in it alongside ...

If you just started I would recommend watching some kids shows. Norwegian pronunciation is quite alien to foreigners and learning from subtitles only, as good as it is to improve the vocabulary, will mess up your pronunciation real bad. You should ... Read More

Religion, how big a part of it is it? by LoreleiLee
Hiya, I recently saw on wiki that Norway is something like 70% Evangelical. I am not religious. How much does religion effect everyday life? I noticed that most shops are shut in Sunday. Is there a stigma against people who aren't religious? ...

Don't publicly swear, don't publicly preach, don't go full burzum. You'll be fine then :P Read More

Hello everyone by Aseel9
Could anyone please give me some information about norway

I would not be so negative about the situation in general. The government is definitely more strict now and unskilled jobs are more difficult to find. This is mainly to the oil industry having let go a number of people and most jobs being taken by ... Read More

In retrospect, would you move again to Norway? by Christine
Hi all, If you had to look back on your expat experience in Norway, would you heartily say "lets do it again"? From the preparation stage to your actual everyday life in your new country, what did you enjoy the most? Would you do certain ...

I would not mind the tax if they actually spend it on better healthcare, infrastructure, education and nursing. Instead they want to spend in on giving it away to other countries or sports!!!!Better than how it is? :| Read More

In retrospect, would you move again to Norway? by Christine
Hi all, If you had to look back on your expat experience in Norway, would you heartily say "lets do it again"? From the preparation stage to your actual everyday life in your new country, what did you enjoy the most? Would you do certain ...

Gary you are the one who said "ugh...come on" and then proceeded to make out those who oppose high taxation are somehow "unreasonable." I personally oppose all taxation and have realised that taxation at any level is theft ... Read More

In retrospect, would you move again to Norway? by Christine
Hi all, If you had to look back on your expat experience in Norway, would you heartily say "lets do it again"? From the preparation stage to your actual everyday life in your new country, what did you enjoy the most? Would you do certain ...

Personally I would move again, I have been here 3 years and I feel more at home here than I have ever been in my home country. Norway is a social democracy with little to no religious influence. If that is the kind of environment one likes then it ... Read More

job in constructions field by Ionut Vartic
Hi everybody! I live in Namsos, Norway. I am looking for a job in constructions but I have no idea how to apply. Any suggestions? Where can I look for something like that (websites ecc.)? Thanks

finn.no is your best bet. Job section specifically: http://www.finn.no/jobb/ Read More

Looking for a job in Norway by RodEsp
Hey everyone! I'm a 24 year old guy who is learning Norwegian and I have 3+ years of work experience in the IT/Computer area. I've really liked Norway since I was a teenager and have recently seriously started thinking about moving there. I ...

For skilled IT workers they do meetings on skype. And some companies have english as the main language since they have branches in different nations. Read More

Hair stylist is looking for a job by magdalenn
Hello I'looking for a job as a hairstylist in Norway. 6years experienced.Please contact my email g.fryzur@wp.pl

Do you know norwegian? Do you know english? Do you have any specific diploma for hairstyling? In which part of Norway are you looking for work? Are you checking other websites? Are you expecting anyone to offer you a job or you are requesting ... Read More

it is possible to get new job in Norway by jobbyvarghese
Hi Everyone !!! I am Jobby Varghese.I am from India.I am planing to apply for "Norwegian for Skilled Worker" visa.could you please advice me about my decision.As I have no idea about Norway.I have completed Diploma in ...

I recommend you improve your english and give some information about your specific skills first. Unless you know norwegian or have very specific skillsets applying is more or less a waste of time. Read More