Bruneian expat in Brunei
2 posts
About me
Lives in Bandar Seri Begawan
Registration: 11 April 2010
Driving in Brunei and buying a car by bruneibuddy
what is it like to drive in Brunei? I am currently living in London and have heard that the driving is safe there also I would like to know how much is a small used car (not more than say 7 yo) with automatic transmission or would it be cheaper to ...
Brunei drives on the left, has right hand drive cars and with a relatively small population (around 500K) is much quieter on the roads than UK. The majority of the roads are a high standard and the law is almost identical to the UK. Speeds and ... Read More
Motorbike riding in Brunei by Jandi
Hi. We are hoping to move to Brunei later this year and wondered how prevelant motorbike riding is in Brunei? Is it acceptable for a woman to ride a motorbike? Thanks for your help with this question. Jandi
Hi Jandi, Motorbikes are not that common on the roads in Brunei, they tend to be used more as a leisure activity. Most bikes are mopeds/scooters. There are a couple of Bike Clubs and most members ride Harleys. The standard of driving is not too ... Read More