Kenyan citizen
Forum posts
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Lives in Nairobi
Registration: 08 November 2013

Information about Permits / business visa by dutchking77
Dear reader, maybe you can help me out? 1) is it harder to get a business visa then a holiday visa? and can you extend that one as well? 2) in what ways can I get a permit? - i have a kenya fiancee - what permits can I get as a business owner? and ...

Hi, It seems like you may not have applied for the correct visa.If you are planning to come and work(volunteer is considered as work in Kenya Unfortunately) then best apply for the work permit.You do not need a business permit.if however you are ... Read More

Dutch and Swedish Language Lessons by JoyMungai
Does anyone know of a place I can learn these languages? Thank you, :)

Na online ama ununue cd yao?? Read More

Chances Of Finding Employment . Better to in Nairobi? by aldude
I am a uk English male wishing to find more information on the chances of gaining employment in Kenya . Just want some advice on the possibility of finding a job as my girlfriend lives in Nairobi. I would love to live in Kenya with her. Kenyans ...

Hi, It might sound hard especially if you are not in the country but sometimes one's luck may not be anothers.Personally i would say go to the ground and test the waters.Just move in there for like three months without necessarily having resigned ... Read More

Hello, My name is Pauline, ill be moving to Kenya in June.Im therefore looking for a job in the above mentioned positions. I am Kenyan, i speak fluent English,Swahili, French and basic Dutch.Thanks to my former experiences, i possess good ...

ahref Read More

Hello, My name is Pauline, ill be moving to Kenya in June.Im therefore looking for a job in the above mentioned positions. I am Kenyan, i speak fluent English,Swahili, French and basic Dutch.Thanks to my former experiences, i possess good ...

Hoi,Welkom Waar ben je nu en hoe kom je aan Nederlands taal?groeten. A Read More

Company legal obligation when leaving Expat employment? by Johann71
What is a companies legal obligation towards an expat when leaving their employment, more specific in assisting with re-location cost of personal effects?

Hi. :top: it is understandable.Good luck .A Read More

Company legal obligation when leaving Expat employment? by Johann71
What is a companies legal obligation towards an expat when leaving their employment, more specific in assisting with re-location cost of personal effects?

Hi, I would think that there should be repatriation benefits;that the employer needs to pay re-immigration costs for the staffer at the end of the contract.It however will depend on the initial terms of the contract if this is indicated/specfied.The ... Read More

looking for inside children sport equipment by Elena P
Hello! Have anyone seen this kind of inside sport equipment for small children in Nairobi? I can't find ...

Hi.I think the best thing since they are not really available locally is t ship from one of the IKEA shops in Europe.It might cost alot but you will at least be sure it is what you want your child to enjoy.Youcan be sure to find someone to buy that ... Read More

home school your children? by francisco77
Hello everyone, We are a family with 2 small children, of four and six years of age. We have a bit of a disadvantage because the little ones do not speak English. We already speak Italian and Spanish at home, so we never insisted on a third ...

Hi, Welcome to Kenya.From your description it would look like an interesting case study seeing the language barrier for the small ones in a new school environment.Home schooling might be an option initially but in the long term this might prove ... Read More

Driving license in Kenya by Armand
Hi all, Can a foreigner take the driving test in Kenya? What are the formalities to get a drivers licence in Kenya? Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate? How much does it cost? Thank you for participating ...

Hi, The best approach would be to go to a Driving school (there are many of them eg AA,Glory etc) and indicate you already have a license. The theory bit should be already covered if you did secure your license after going through a driving school( ... Read More

applied my wife dependant pass ! by prasantaca
I have applied my wife dependant pass on 17th dec,2013. still its not issued. How many days generally it takes to receive kenyan dependant pass ??? I am a valid work permit holder in kenya

Dependants pass=ksh 5000 ,so roughly USD 63 Please refer to this link if necessary> > http://www.immigration.go.ke/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=90&Itemid=128 Read More

Planning to live in Nairobi by anaé
Hi everyone, I'm Anae, I am currently living in Quebec, Canada after some years in Belgium. I have an interesting job opportunity in Nairobi, but as I would come to live there with my family, I am a bit worried about daily life there, especially on ...

Hi Anae, Were you to come i don't suppose you would take things literally as written here.If you do it would just be hilarious attempting to "leave house unlocked for 1 week" .............and expect " without any interuption" as cited above. A Read More

Class K permit: does Kenya tax the remittance (pension)? by jack_gats
You can get a long stay resident visa under the condition that you have an insured income from abroad. What I'd like to know is whether the remittance gets taxed or whether you need to fill in a tax return that will lead to its being taxed.

Hi, The basis of the visa is that you can comfortably support yourself from an income from abroad.They will need prove of this. In your case, it would seem like you would not be getting any income locally hence no need to have to pay tax.Unless the ... Read More

open a business in Kenya by saeedapi
Hi ,I am interested to make a business in Kenya ,any body can guide me how can start and what is the process for a foreigner people.

Hi, I will try to answer your qn: 1) as someone just indicated above,the best website to visit is the www.immigration.go.ke from where you can sort the permit(visa) issue and information.You would need a permit of which category it is depends on the ... Read More

Sponsorship - possibility, ease and cost? by cdeeky
Hello everyone... I am considering a job opportunity in Nariobi, Kenya. Once I am on job and get a work permit: - I will be sponsoring my wife and kids to stay with me - I would like my parents (both) and my grand mother to stay with me in ...

Hi sunshinefl, I may not have an answer to the questions asked but i generally think some of the things that expats are trying to do are beyond understanding, at least in my undestanding.I would think one needs to prepare himself or herself well ... Read More