Kien Nguyen
Vietnamese citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ho Chi Minh City
Speaks English, Vietnamese
Registration: 28 November 2013

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

Dear Chris, Sorry for late reply. We are still playing flag football. We are currently playing at RMIT University from 4:00PM to 6:00PM Mon-Wed-and Fri. Please join if you can Here is my contact number: Kien Welcome! Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

Hi James, Welcome to Vietnam. I am looking for you to come here to play. We are playing Flag Football in District 7 Lets go Giant Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

We usually play in District 7. If you have free time, please come to. Thank you Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

Hi Rom, Sorry for late reply. Would you mind if we talk together? Via facebook or email. This is my ngduykien@gmail.com I would like to adk you somethings Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

Dear klockola, I am working on workshop to expand flag football and American culture into Vietnam. If you are interested in, please help us. Thank you Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

I am New York Giants. Haha Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you

Yes it is. Gridiron Football. I am looking for people who love it and also can play it is better Read More

Looking for American who knows how to play Football (not soccer)
Hi guys, I am looking for American friend or someone who has deep knowledge about football. I would like to exchange the hobbies, now we have a group of people who playing flag football. So we can have fun time together. Thank you Read More

Looking for place to play football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys I am looking for a place that I can throw a football (American football not soccer). I heard that there is a place in Parkland that playing this. Moreover, I also heard that a group of Japanese that also playing this in District 10 but ...

here is my email jake su27_b52@yahoo.com . I just know there is a club playing flag football in D7. I will send you their information Read More

Looking for place to play football (not soccer) by methosi
Hi guys I am looking for a place that I can throw a football (American football not soccer). I heard that there is a place in Parkland that playing this. Moreover, I also heard that a group of Japanese that also playing this in District 10 but ...

Really no one love football....!!! Dont be hesitate contact me Read More

Looking for place to play football (not soccer)
Hi guys I am looking for a place that I can throw a football (American football not soccer). I heard that there is a place in Parkland that playing this. Moreover, I also heard that a group of Japanese that also playing this in District 10 but ... Read More

American Flag Football. Anyone refer this one by methosi
Hi you guys! I'm looking for player to play Flag football. We have a field, equipment. We usually play flag football on Monday, Wed and Friday from 4 pm to 6pm. Anyone of you would like to play with us please contact me. Here is my email ...

Methosi, Let's do it this way: -You go online and find what you want. -Then, drop me a line, I will give you an address in California. -You order your football, and have it sent there, BEFORE THIS CHRISTMAS. -I will meet you in Phu My Hung and ... Read More

American Flag Football. Anyone refer this one by methosi
Hi you guys! I'm looking for player to play Flag football. We have a field, equipment. We usually play flag football on Monday, Wed and Friday from 4 pm to 6pm. Anyone of you would like to play with us please contact me. Here is my email ...

Where will u going to buy?At my convenience!!! Rawling balls are few and far in between. Wilson... Probably! 2 ball... Highly unlikely! Dick's is the newest major sporting-goods chain in southern California. Guys like me normally don't need ... Read More

American Flag Football. Anyone refer this one by methosi
Hi you guys! I'm looking for player to play Flag football. We have a field, equipment. We usually play flag football on Monday, Wed and Friday from 4 pm to 6pm. Anyone of you would like to play with us please contact me. Here is my email ...

Sure. Which size do you want? Rubber or composite leather?Where will u going to buy? If you can buy for me. http://www.rawlingsgear.com/football/football-balls/st5compb.html. I refer this one and this ... Read More

American Flag Football. Anyone refer this one by methosi
Hi you guys! I'm looking for player to play Flag football. We have a field, equipment. We usually play flag football on Monday, Wed and Friday from 4 pm to 6pm. Anyone of you would like to play with us please contact me. Here is my email ...

I won't be back to Vietnam until after Christmas. Yes, I will be coming back with a football for THD. I will definitely give you and your league a look. However, I am more of a basketball guy than football. I do know a lot about football, ... Read More