
danny tan


Active member

Malaysian expat in Vietnam

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Ho Chi Minh City

Speaks english cantonese malay

Registration: 09 December 2013


danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
10 years ago

Domestic drinking water? How safe? by Dannytan

Hi All, I was told that the water supplied at my house is domestic drinking water, what is it? I presume that it is from the tap. If so how safe is it to drink. ciao' danny

danny tan

I have been using Aquafina now for 3 months and so far so good. A bottle of 5 litre is 18k and i also boiled the water. Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
10 years ago

Domestic drinking water? How safe? by Dannytan

Hi All, I was told that the water supplied at my house is domestic drinking water, what is it? I presume that it is from the tap. If so how safe is it to drink. ciao' danny

danny tan

Check out the you tube on filter water in Vietnam home. Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
10 years ago
John C.

Expats with disabilities by John C.

In St. Lucia where I live there are no legal benefits such as pensions for expats with disabilities arriving to these shores. Such persons usually come with their family member(s) on whom they depend for subsistence and most likely get some sort of ...

danny tan

Hi John, Here in Vietnam i have not notice at expats with disabilities. But if an expat with disability living here will be horrendous. The restaurants and parking have no law regarding catering for the disable. it will be very inconvenient for ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
10 years ago

Good Hair Products by Dannytan

Hi, Does anybody know of a place specializing in good hair shampoo, conditioners etc for the hair. I could not find my Nioxin shampoo and conditioner.

danny tan

Can you recommend one which you use? Mine do not have Nioxin products. Thanks. Read More

danny tan
Dannytan created a thread
10 years ago

Good Hair Products

Hi, Does anybody know of a place specializing in good hair shampoo, conditioners etc for the hair. I could not find my Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
10 years ago
Richard Loo

Where do expat meet up? by Richard Loo

Many of us are newbie like your truly and we are fairly new in HCM. Is there any place where expats can meet up or gather together to exchange ideas and experience? The Metro -Lotteria or the new Parkson with Big C would be a good place? any ...

danny tan

Hi Richard, It was wonderful get together as the McD air condition really help on the very hot day. The short walk to the crab noodle place is good planning too. Enjoy the crab soup, and all of us never would have found this place if not of you. ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
10 years ago
Richard Loo

Where do expat meet up? by Richard Loo

Many of us are newbie like your truly and we are fairly new in HCM. Is there any place where expats can meet up or gather together to exchange ideas and experience? The Metro -Lotteria or the new Parkson with Big C would be a good place? any ...

danny tan

McD is a short 15 min walk from my place. See you all tomorrow. Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago
Richard Loo

Flight MH370 by Richard Loo

We were very saddened to learn of flight MH370.We extend our heartfelt sympathies and condolences to all families for their loss. Our caring thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Let us pray for them. Thank you

danny tan

Officially, the plane still is "missing" according to Malaysian authorities. However, there is bad news as Vietnam Navy officers found a large oil slick in the ocean. This usually means a large vessel like a plane being crashed in the ocean. Many ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago

Anyone enjoy listening or dancing BACHATA? by spajcte

I'm looking for a place in HCMC, where i can listen to spanish/bachata music with a mix crowd. please let me know :)

danny tan

There are a few places to enjoy Latin music in HCM city. However, salsa music are mainly played. The Saigon Bar at Caravelle hotel has a live band playing lots of Cha Cha with Bachata music. Regina Cafe on Friday and Lasalsa on Saturday have DJ ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago

Prices of Food increase after Tet by Dannytan

Anyone notice the price increase of food? Or am I having amnesia. It seems to me that my few regular eating places have price increases. This only on the daily food like Com, Pho, Hu Tieu, etc. Transport and big ticket things have not change. One of ...

danny tan

You right, looks like I cannot run away from inflation globally. Malaysia experiences price increases on salts and sugar and gas late last year. After that food in restaurant and transport all went up. Now just after a month here and feeling the ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan created a thread
11 years ago

Prices of Food increase after Tet

Anyone notice the price increase of food? Or am I having amnesia. It seems to me that my few regular eating places have price increases. This only on the daily food like Com, Pho, Hu Tieu, etc. Transport and big ticket things have not change. One of ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago

Latin Music and Dancing Weekly by Dannytan

Hi All, There is a good place on Friday to listen to Latin Music and dancing. It is in Regina Cafe on Nguyen Du. The DJ play mainly Salsa music but also some Bachata and Cha Cha. Mainly local crowds but have quite a number of expats. If anyone ...

danny tan

Last weekend I was at other Latin music party too. So on friday, Regina Cafe is the place to be. Saturday another place also have latin music. Is at a place call LaSalsa located at Troung Dinh and Nguyen Dinh Chieu. By the way, there is a good latin ... Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago
Richard Loo

Where do expat meet up? by Richard Loo

Many of us are newbie like your truly and we are fairly new in HCM. Is there any place where expats can meet up or gather together to exchange ideas and experience? The Metro -Lotteria or the new Parkson with Big C would be a good place? any ...

danny tan

This Sunday is good and I will be there. If is weekly get together, Shen you can join next week, right? Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago

Good recommendation Hospital and Clinic in HCM by Dannytan

Hi All, I had a bad experience last year while coming to Vietnam. Got on the plane and felt really sick and have to be admitted to hcm hospital. The next day fever and headache, and stomach pain did not go away so decided to catch a plane back to ...

danny tan

So the large family hospital is a government hospital. That is a big difference in cost. In fact some government hospital in Malaysia are good now with state of the art medical equipment. Read More

danny tan
Dannytan replied to a thread
11 years ago

Domestic drinking water? How safe? by Dannytan

Hi All, I was told that the water supplied at my house is domestic drinking water, what is it? I presume that it is from the tap. If so how safe is it to drink. ciao' danny

danny tan

To me drinking water or water awareness is very important when travelling. My experience tell me so as not here but even in Malaysia i had fell sick before from bottle drinking water. Water need to be properly treated, filtered and boiled before ... Read More