American citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Los Angeles
Registration: 20 April 2010

Young couple wanting to move to California by candn14
We are a young couple aged 24 and 22 from England and Denmark. Both of us really want to move over to California as we both have been there several times and love everything is has to offer. We both have college qualifications and currently ...

Dear Candn14, Your embassy will tell you about the residency requirements for the US from your countries. There IS such a thing as legal immigration and the USA accepts a certain number of legal immigrants per country each year, (most European ... Read More

Moving to Riyadh by emma123
I am a british female soon moving to Riyadh to work with NAS I would like to get intouch with as many FEMALE british living in Riyadh at the NAS compound. I have been appointed to work with NAS airlines as a flight attendent cabin crew to serve ...

the only way he knows the force is to rev from 0 to 60 in 3 secondswell thats exactly the kind of force I need to learn about, Dave will get his huge bike and I'll buy a scooter, then we'll be like batman and robin :D and Spitfire! you need to ... Read More

New in Riyadh! by Jills54
Hi, I am in my 50's and about to fly to Riyadh, for my first visit, my husband has been there for 6 months. I will be living on the Seder complex. A few questions a] How covered do I need to be on arrival, do I need to cover my hair? b]Is it easy to ...

Gosh I hate to be obtuse, but this question has yielded so many answers... Here's what I usually get told and what I THINK I'm going to do. Hope the women living here correct me/us about this if I'm way off. For my young daughter, I will probably ... Read More

Moving to Riyadh by emma123
I am a british female soon moving to Riyadh to work with NAS I would like to get intouch with as many FEMALE british living in Riyadh at the NAS compound. I have been appointed to work with NAS airlines as a flight attendent cabin crew to serve ...

I am a british female soon moving to Riyadh to work with NAS I would like to get intouch with as many FEMALE british living in Riyadh at the NAS compound. I have been appointed to work with NAS airlines as a flight attendent cabin crew to serve ... Read More

Motorists warned against attempts to dodge Saher by lucky_me
Motorists warned against attempts to dodge Saher By ARAB NEWS Published: Jul 19, 2010 23:43 Updated: Jul 19, 2010 23:43 RIYADH: Following reports of a huge decrease in the number of traffic violations and road accidents with the introduction of ...

Just so I know I didn't miss something here, (B/C I thought the question about taking a driver's ed class to get a license was a "Given") are you saying that males of any age can drive in KSA AND that they are not required to take a driver's class ... Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

Dear saynotoriyadh, Your post made me cry. I'm sending you prayers and peace. Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

Talwar, Wow, I actually thought you were kidding and really pulling it off well, until all your anger showed. I can only echo what Stretch said so intelligently, & what Allie said so succinctly. [/b Listening to you is like going in a time ... Read More

Computer Downloads Direct to TV? by Alliecat
I've heard about a way to watch movie downloads from your computer on your TV without having to do the whole burn-a-DVD thing. Anybody know what this device is called? It's available at Jarir, I've heard, but would sure like to know the name ...

does this mean I cancel my "netflix" subscription? Right now it sends me instant movies to my laptop OR my TV, as well as sends hard copies of those flims that they don't have in digital format. Even so, I guess I'd need the dish too? Weighs a ... Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

Alethe, I think the woman named Monica Stowers is perhaps the woman you are referring to. She's American and married a Saudi man and the marriage soured and he took the kids back to the KSA although she had been granted custody in the US. The Saudi ... Read More

What to do in Riyadh by Pass
Hello all, am new here :) and would like to tell you about Riyadh city! First its as lots know a business city! there are such a quite good activites to do here: 1- Shopping (lots of malls and great shops) 2- going to Restauratns (there is a ...

Hey Pass, thanks! I can't say I know what "karting" is unless it's driving a little "go cart"? Like a small car? But I do know paintball and bowling. Good. Hey I just wondered, women can do these things too, right? Anyhow, Thanks. Read More

Social Events at Embassies by redgems
How can I find out about events going on at embassies in Riyadh? I've heard there are paid and non-paid events. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Great thread topic and great posts....Max -- my suggestion? DO IT!! And count me in! OMG please....and thank you. There. Phew....So glad you're taking care of it... Read More

Warning by Alliecat
This was forwarded to me this morning: Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:37 AM Subject: INCIDENT AT KINGDOM MALL Importance: High Gents, I had dinner at the Kingdom Compound on Thursday night with friends and thought that I would pass the details of ...

ALlie, I thought I had edited out that part about the one comment so my apologies b/c the Egyptian guy is clearly not a Saudi so you're correct and I don't know why it posted if I edited it,but maybe I waited too long?? As for the rest, I'm ... Read More

Warning by Alliecat
This was forwarded to me this morning: Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:37 AM Subject: INCIDENT AT KINGDOM MALL Importance: High Gents, I had dinner at the Kingdom Compound on Thursday night with friends and thought that I would pass the details of ...

I live near a large city in the USA and in some parts of downtown, I would not go out at night. No one disputes that there idiots, lunatics or basic criminals in all parts of the world. But you can bet that in broad daylight if I were injured I ... Read More

Misinformed or trying to dupe me? by Alliecat
Okay.. it happened again yesterday. Another expat (an Egyptian) where I work offered his services should I need them, telling me he has a car and would be happy to take me around. I immediately informed him that this is forbidden here--we could ...

MND, I cannot speak for Mr Stretch (and he does a good job of speaking for himself anyhow!) but as an American who is on her way to your country to "follow her husband", please understand, THIS SITE is for us to discuss the rules and laws of your ... Read More

Warning by Alliecat
This was forwarded to me this morning: Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:37 AM Subject: INCIDENT AT KINGDOM MALL Importance: High Gents, I had dinner at the Kingdom Compound on Thursday night with friends and thought that I would pass the details of ...

thanks for posting that. Wow. Ironic. Allie you and my husband are there as health care providers teaching medicine and treating Saudi citizen/patients at THEIR request!! Yet no one helped these women? That's really the biggest shocker and most ... Read More