New Zealander expat in New Zealand
Forum posts
About me
New Zealander
Registration: 20 April 2010

Planning to move from India to New Zealand by Simrat
Hi Folks, A big hello to all. I am an Indian resident looking forward to move to NZ. I am a software engg by profession with 6+ years of work experience in Java and related web technologies. I want to know abt moving to NZ and getting a job there. ...

I agree with the post above. Helping someone with immigration forms means nothing if the person cannot find what he/she needs when they get here. And with your own good education Simrat, you should be able to fill out the forms yourself. Gagan, ... Read More

Glasgow Freegive Group by swuk5
If you haven't heard yet, there is a wonderful organization called Free Give Group (freegive.co.uk/p/glasgow.htm ). Glasgow Free Give Group connects people who are giving and getting unwanted items for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse ...

Hi there It sounds very similar to Freecycle, the organisation that was set up many years ago in the USA and now has a branch in about every city in the world. I used it a lot in Scotland, but fair warning, some of the stuff you collect, you have ... Read More

Early Planning..... by mandajay
Hi everyone, We are in the very early phase of applying to emmigrate and already i am a nervous wreck! One of the concerns we have concerns the amount of cash you are expected to have in order to secure a successful application. We have heard so ...

Hi Amanda My only advice for now is to bring the minimum amount of cash with you due to the very poor exchange rate. Some people come with loads, others with very little. Are you asking about mortgages? Read More

Masters Degree in New Zealand by Kristian123
Hello all, I'm from the US, graduating next year from university. I am seriously considering moving to New Zealand to pursue my master's. As I would eventually like to earn my citizenship, what job markets are stable/increasing? Being a science ...

I note you placed an almost identical post on the Scotland forum saying you would like to earn citizenship there too. Have not checked the other forums. Scotland and New Zealand are like night and day (with the exception of the scenery in south ... Read More

Planning to move from India to New Zealand by Simrat
Hi Folks, A big hello to all. I am an Indian resident looking forward to move to NZ. I am a software engg by profession with 6+ years of work experience in Java and related web technologies. I want to know abt moving to NZ and getting a job there. ...

No change and not likely to get any better for a long time yet. NZ is one of those countries that is very slow to progress. :( Read More

Which one do you rather to live? NZ or AUS? why? by caddy guy
Any idea?

Only been to Oz on a holiday, but I have to say, I found it cosmopolitan, vibrant and exciting compared to NZ. Although I am sure that would not apply to living in the outback. :cool: Read More

New Zealand Immigration by BillF
Hello, I am new to this whole experience. I am looking forward to retirement in a few years and am interested in living in New Zealand. I have been to the government immigration site but was not sure what catagory a retired person would be in. Can ...

In my opinion, immigration lawyers and specialist companies are often unnecessary and a waste of lots of money, especially if you are a young person or on the skilled shortage list. The immigration forms are not that complicated for most people ... Read More

Business Job Offers in Auckland?? by SMUbamaswim09
I'm a 23 year old grad student finishing up my Masters in Business and have a business degree from a highly respected undergraduate program. Can anyone tell me how easy it is to get a business related job in NZ. I am strongly considering moving ...

It certainly will be a life changing experience for you after living in the UK. NZ like most other countries in still in a recession and good jobs can be hard to find. It is even harder to find work when you are competing with local people and you ... Read More

Which one do you rather to live? NZ or AUS? why? by caddy guy
Any idea?

Hi Anne Just as a matter of interest, if you miss all these things in NZ, why do you chose to live in Oz? Read More

should i move to scotland?? by jules2610
i am an aussie who is currently travlling europe but due to visa complications for the friend i am travelling with within the EU, we are considering Scotland for a few months. My main motive is to try and get a job to earn money - any job, not ...

Hi Jules I am in nz at the moment and after a year I am counting the months till I get out of here and back to Scotland. I agree with Melissa. Glasgow is usually better for finding cheaper accomodation, but be careful which area you choose. ... Read More

rental of property in uk to get to new zealand by jelly bean
we are looking to rent our property in the uk as we cant sell at the mo and we r thinkin it may be an investment in the future. Has any body else done this? would love to hear ur thoughts etc

We put our house in the hands of a local agent and pay a fee that guarantees our rent even if he cannot find renters. They are also responsible for checking the property is kept up to scratch. And we specified the type of people we wanted. You can ... Read More

Seeking Expat community in Tauranga - not the kiwi drinking crowd by Expat-in-Tauranga
Dear fellow Expats, I recently moved from the US to Tauranga and seek my fellow expats. Where in the US? I've lived all over from New England to CA to Texas. I've traveled a lot for someone barely touching 30 and am very educated and seeking depth ...

Hi expat You will find fellow Americans over on the Expats Exposed site who will understand your feelings and might be able to give you some support. The site certainly shows a side to NZ that is never shown at immigration roadshows. I guess I ... Read More

rental of property in uk to get to new zealand by jelly bean
we are looking to rent our property in the uk as we cant sell at the mo and we r thinkin it may be an investment in the future. Has any body else done this? would love to hear ur thoughts etc

Yes we did this - but only because we could not sell it before we left. You can claim tax benefits on the income if you live outside the country too. Glad we did not sell it now as we are planning to go home as soon as we can get our nz one sold. ... Read More

moving and living in new zealand as a brit by mark cosford
any brits living in new zealand out there can tell me whats its like in terms of, housing , work , friends , lifestyle being excepted etc etc.......... thanks

Well said Pandolal - I guess I was just trying to be subtle with my reply. I agree about the houses. Ours is only 5yrs old, but these last two winters I have been colder inside than I have been for about 30yrs in the UK. But at least they have ... Read More