ROMERO fernand
French looking for information about Panama
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Bocas del Toro
Speaks french and Spanish currently and bit english
Registration: 22 April 2010

Registration/ address card ? in Bulgaria by Lesley&Yan
Hi everyone we are just about ready to come to Bulgaria now, can anyone tell me what the proccess is to register ect do we need an address first? do we need a bank account ? what are the steps we need to take to become resident in the country ...

ok no problem Read More

Registration/ address card ? in Bulgaria by Lesley&Yan
Hi everyone we are just about ready to come to Bulgaria now, can anyone tell me what the proccess is to register ect do we need an address first? do we need a bank account ? what are the steps we need to take to become resident in the country ...

Vous devez seulement prouver ke vous disposez de plus de 3oo euro pour vivre mensuellement ( contrat de travail.. revenus de rente ou autres... ) Sur place vous remplissez un formulaire ..payez un timbre fiscal de 2 dollars.. Concernant l adresse ... Read More

Cost of living in Ukraine by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Ukraine. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Ukraine. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

im in odessa living but now ( july ) is higther season The most expansive and difficult to find is rent an appartement but poeple rent by night for the moment from 20 to 50 dollars for very nice penthouse Normaly , after rush season we can find ... Read More