English expat in Spain
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Chiclana de la Frontera
Speaks english/spanish
Registration: 24 January 2014

The other side of the Spanish postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...

Well Writerman how do I respond to someone who obviously knows ALL the answers? Unlike you I lived AND worked in the UK until I reached my retiremant and for ALMOST 50 years I paid MY Income Tax,NI.Contributions and I STILL pay Income Tax into the ... Read More

The other side of the Spanish postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...

Campogirl, like yourselves I am a Pensioner and my wife is but doesn't receive a pension YET because the UK Govt as you know keep moving the date for people in the hope they will succumb before the DWP have to start paying it and they can save their ... Read More