
Cost of living in Tokyo

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Articles to help you in your expat project in Tokyo

  • The banking system in Japan
    The banking system in Japan

    Welcome to the Land of the Rising Sun. Now that you have completed all your administrative paperwork, you can ...

  • The real estate market in Tokyo
    The real estate market in Tokyo

    Now that you have been living in Tokyo for some time, aren't you thinking of becoming a homeowner? Are you ...

  • Studying in Tokyo
    Studying in Tokyo

    You would like to study in Japan and have chosen to settle in Tokyo? The Japanese capital is an excellent starting ...

  • Accommodation in Tokyo
    Accommodation in Tokyo

    If you're moving to Tokyo, you might be wondering where to stay. Capsule hotels and other one-day deals may be ...

  • How to find a job in Tokyo
    How to find a job in Tokyo

    Tokyo is definitely the ideal place to find a job in Japan. This is where the headquarters of large corporations ...

  • Neighborhoods in Tokyo
    Neighborhoods in Tokyo

    Tokyo and its special wards are fascinating. Each of them has its own identity, and you will find yourself not in ...

  • The job market in Tokyo
    The job market in Tokyo

    Japan currently ranks as the fourth largest economy globally, behind the US, China, and Germany. Economic ...

  • How to develop your social network in Tokyo
    How to develop your social network in Tokyo

    How do you socialize in Tokyo? How to make friends and join groups in the Japanese capital? Should you keep doing ...

All of Tokyo's guide articles