Quarantine rules arriving in Tokyo

Hi, just want to ask a quick question. I am a United Kingdom passport holder flying from a 180 day stay in Vietnam to Japan with no european visa history in my passport for visa on arrival. My question is  do I get forced into quarintine on arrival in Japan or will the fact of 180 days straight in Vietnam allow me to enter Japan without forced quarantine? Thanks for any info you might have

Since Japan has expanded it's entry ban a few days ago to include 73 countries, you'd need to check wither Vietnam is among them. If not, and if you were allowed to enter Japan, it does appear that you would still be required to self-quarantine and refrain from using public transportation for 14 days. I doubt that you would be exempt from have to do the self-quarantine.

https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020 … pread.htmlhttps://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020 … pread.html

Thank you for your reply. I am grateful for your reply