
Networking Emilia Romagna

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Articles to help you in your expat project in Emilia Romagna

  • Is the Doctor in?
    Is the Doctor in?

    First of all, "Servizio Sanitario" doesn't exactly make me think free medical coverage. My English speaking ...

  • Buying property in Rome
    Buying property in Rome

    Rome has a complex real estate market, as is the case throughout Italy, and it is not always easy to find a ...

  • Buying property in Milan
    Buying property in Milan

    The decision to buy a flat or a house in Milan, a city with the highest prices in Italy, is a challenging one, ...

  • Long-term visas for Italy
    Long-term visas for Italy

    If you have decided to move to Italy, the question of a residence permit arises first. Depending on your ...

  • Student life in Milan
    Student life in Milan

    Milan is not only the Italian capital of fashion, finance and technology, but it is also the city of expatriates, ...

  • Starting a business in Italy
    Starting a business in Italy

    Are you interested in moving to Italy and setting up a business here? Italy's reputation for bureaucracy and ...

  • Leisure in Italy
    Leisure in Italy

    Living in Italy also means benefiting from a multitude of leisure activities. Between museums, art cities, ...

  • Banking in Italy
    Banking in Italy

    If you are planning to move to Italy, you may need to open a bank account. Often this is even required by the ...

All of Emilia Romagna's guide articles