I am from the United States, originally born in Ohio but moved around several times when I was younger. My parents instilled a sense of "going" in me. I made it to 50/50 states at age 24. I completed my first MA in June of this year (2014), and have since moved to Latvia to start teaching English.
Miembro desde el 24 Agosto 2014.
I've in Lithuania for the past four summers, spending between two weeks and 2.5 months in Klaipeda. During this time I have either taken classes, volunteered with the national park service along the coast-line, and volunteered as an English teacher (x3).
I like that the location is close to the beach. There are many cool places to explore in old town including good restaurants, and interesting museums. I also really enjoyed taking classes at LCC International University and interacting with my classmates from across the world. And volunteering as an English teacher with Upper-Intermediate students, always changes my life positively!
At first it was difficult to meet people and to volunteer within the community, but patience and a serving heart will take you far with the right contacts.