Hi there, my name is Vanessa, I'm a Brazilian citizen, born in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, I lived in Massachusetts, USA for the past 12 yrs. and I would like to keep contact with native English speakers...to friendship, to pratice my english and help them with their portuguese, are you up for a challenge, or maybe to know me for us to be friends?
Miembro desde el 29 Agosto 2010.
Fotos de vcarvalho22
I would love to get back, it's such an amazing place to live !
Everything, dunking donuts, best buy, Busch gardens, Disneyworld, Florida beaches, the Las Vegas Casinos, verything is good and sensational there, Brazil??? Ha,ha ....Just lost in the competion !
To much work, 1 week of vacation, I meAN YOU WORK A FULL YEAR AND YOU GET ONLY 1 WEEK The rest of it, is awesome, no complains about it !