eng_roshdy24 Egipto


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34 Publicaciones en el foro
Miembro activo

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My name is mohamed roushdy, Egyptian citizen, working as Engineer (mechanical and production field), i have lived in second capital town in Egypt called Alexandria. I would like and prefer to relocate with my family in Germany, that's my biggest dream.

Miembro desde el 22 Septiembre 2010.

  • Hablo English, Arabic
  • Intereses sport, business, science, social activities, engineering
Registro de actividad
  • eng_roshdy24
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Shanghái

Experiencia de expatriado

Desde Enero 2020
Düsseldorf, Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Alemania
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I will be there for a job mission, and would like to explore more work opportunities available around NRW.

Ene 2009 - Feb 2009
Shanghái, Egipto
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it was far a way from my family, my friends