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American expat in Vietnam

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Registration: 07 September 2015


astronomic replied to a thread
9 years ago

Working in Vietnam by Revolutionary

I will likely be moving to Vietnam in the next couple years and have some questions about working there? What hoops do foreigners have to ump through to legally work in Vietnam. I already have a job where I can work anywhere I have access to the ...


Undersea cables have been damaged on occasion, possibly due to being bitten by sharks. When this happens internet can slow to a crawl for long periods of time, possibly months. Weekdays 5AM-3PM are usually decent barring technical difficulties. I ... Read More

astronomic replied to a thread
9 years ago

what is expected of foriegn men by Viet women during dating? by MarkinNam

I am wondering, what are the expectations of VN women, are they like western expectations of the 60's where the guy does all the chasing ? or is there a balance between the 2 ? I accept that there will be significant difference between city and ...


I can speak some on city girls here. Rural girls probably don't speak much English, and the ones that do have their sights set on self-advancement (with emphasis on self, not you). Short answer: Marriage. Check out any dating site here. You ... Read More

astronomic replied to a thread
9 years ago


Hi guys !!! I have a question. I'm from Slovakia, I have a TEFL certificate and many years of experience with ENGLISH. I would like to know if it is difficult to find a job in Ho Chi Minh for people like me, because everywhere I see job ...


I think it depends on you. As a non-native speaker it may depend on your ability with the English language, both written and spoken. Can you give students what they expect for the money they spend? If so, you can get paid. I often hear ... Read More

astronomic replied to a thread
9 years ago

Divorce application in Ho Chi Minh city by harry110

Hi, I want to divorce with my wife in Ho chi minh city. ( we both want to divorce ) Who know please tell me, Where can I find divorce application in Ho chi minh city. Where should my wife go to start applying? any address or website please ...


"Buyer's remorse" means someone made a purchase they regret, like if you pay $1000 for a car and then the engine explodes on the way home from the shop. "Bridezilla" is a play on words, "bride" is a new wife, and ... Read More

astronomic replied to a thread
9 years ago

What is up with Vietnamese children??? by cgtheisen

Ok, so I come to live here in Hoi An with my Vietnamese wife, hearing stories about how strictly she was raised and how kids had to be well-behaved. Since I've been in Vietnam I've had a total of more than half a dozen small kids throwing ...


When your wife was raised strictly it may have been in a traditional family that took time to teach their children well. Mom was home and the kids learned an important lesson the first time they hit her with a rock. Now both mom and dad work for ... Read More