American looking for information about Belize
4 posts
About me
Lives in Jacksonville
Registration: 11 October 2010
Sand Flees by Roscoboy007
I heard that the sand flees in Belize can become unbearable...can someone expound on this for me? Is there are certain time of the year and how long does it last? Thank you. Ken
Thank you very much. Hope you have a nice trip in March. Read More
Sand Flees
I heard that the sand flees in Belize can become unbearable...can someone expound on this for me? Is there are certain time of the year and how long does it last? Thank you. Ken Read More
Costs of moving from U.S. to Belize- Insight needed by TheBradleys
Hello. My husband and I are considering moving to Belize in the next year or so. I am reading everything I can about the country and moving there. We are too young to qualify for the QRP program and don't have the necessary monthly income (however, ...
I am looking to come to Belize in December (maybe November) and check out all of the areas. I have been looking online for homes and my friend told me that I would want to be on Ambergris Caye...I have found a few homes (pre-existing) but I was ... Read More
Animals in Belize - can I bring my dog when I move there? by calfest
Can anyone give me any information regarding the laws for bring a dog from the US to Belize? I am looking to move to Belize and want to bring my pet with me. Thanks Linda
I, too, will be bring my dogs with me. I have found out that after you have all the paperwork then I can bring them right off the plane with me. That was my biggest concern - the quarantine. Read More