Miss Maple
French expat in Canada
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sudbury
Registration: 20 October 2010

How much Quebec French differs from France French? by libertylee
How much Quebec French differs from France French? What is the difrence?

Hi Warsaw ! I'm from France and trust me the difference is huge :) First the accent is completely different.But then, when you get used to it, you still may have difficulties to understand them because sometimes they don't use the same words. One ... Read More

Work and study by Tauus
Hi frds,i want to know if there is much opportunity for an african student to work and study in canada.

Hi Tauus, Don't forget to ask at your university. I'm in Canada for my studies as well but I can't work off-campus. Though, you can your university, there all lots of possibilities to find jobs on-campus. Good luck! Read More

Pronunciations make me laugh. by GuestPoster5547
Do you have favourite words which are pronounced differently where you live? Here in Canada I'm always laughing at their strange pronunciations. Erbs for herbs for example, vite-a-mins for vitamins,etc. It works both ways though and they laugh at ...

Hi, I think it's different for me because I'm French but it's true that there is a big diiference between both accents. I was used to hear British accent and I needed some time to get used to the Canadian accent. I don't know if you speak French ... Read More

even been stereotyped? by spongekoji
Maybe it is human nature to create patterns and association in an attempt to make incoming stimuli into configuration when people meet unfamiliar or unpatented events. But I dont know if it can take that far enough to explain the stereotyping ...

I experienced it a little bit here in Canada. I'm French and sometimes I feel like my country isn't on planet hearth. Maybe because of Canada being a bilingual country, they don't realise that I come from France when I say that I'm French. They ... Read More

Your favorite traditional dishes from where you are by Julien
Hello, It' almost lunchtime here in Spain and I'm thinking what I'll have tonight ... There are plenty of traditional dishes, here are my favorites: > Jamon (Ham) -> the best of the best dish in Madrid. The "Jamon Iberico" is a more expensive but ...

Well I've just been in Canada since three months but I've tried some really good things here. First you have to try the pancakes with mapple syrop. Ok, everybody knows pancakes but thoses that I have didn't taste the same (be sure they're made by a ... Read More

Loneliness when you're abroad by Julien
Do you often feel lonely when you're abroad? I personaly suffered on week ends while I was in the UK. Even if I had several friends, I often missed my family and friends (from home). So I walked, visited museum, went to concerts, worked more... ...

I think that when you're alone in another country it's even more difficult because you don't know anybody and you're thinking about all your friends and family. What you can do first is thinking of them, looking at pictures, listening to some music ... Read More