Edina84 Hungría


Expatriada húngara en Inglaterra
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I'm Hungarian, living in London for 1.5 years now, working in the field of tourism as an internal trainer. I also have the ambition to become a plus size model

Miembro desde el 13 Marzo 2016.

  • Hablo Hungarian, English, German, Turkish  (have to polish it), Spanish  (learning phase but understand a lot)
  • Intereses travelling , history, friends, interior design, languages, markets, Gym/sports
Registro de actividad
  • Edina84
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Inglaterra

Experiencia de expatriado

Desde Septiembre 2014
Greater London, Inglaterra, Inglaterra
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I love to develop mys3lf, now I'm about to become a certified trainer and I would like to do a project management certificate as well.

So foreign, people rush, difficult to build relationships

Ago 2010 - Sep 2014
Budapest, Hungría
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My hometown

May 2005 - Ago 2010
Antalya, Turquía
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Lived with my ex-fiance here, worked as a tooour guide/rep.

Heat, humidity during summer, people in rural area uneducated

May 1984 - May 2005
Budapest, Hungría
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My hometown

Complaining people