hello! i am Steven Clark. i have recently moved to brussels to work as a fininacial adviser. i deal with all aspects of wealth management including short/long term investments, pension and retirement planning, capital growth etc. if this would be of interest to you please get in touch! In my privte life i enjoy dining out, watching movies, networking and socialising, walking, theatre, travelling and culture. I am hoping to make lots of new friends whilst in Brussels.
Miembro desde el 18 Noviembre 2010.
indepndent financial adviser working for Sovereign and Partners. Appartment sharing with 2 work colleagues.
i like the ambience! the city is nice and the people are very friendly! there are alot of lovely restuarants and of course the beer is amazing
the bars are too spread out.
criminology graduate, financial adviser, civil servant, bar management.
Manchester is an amazing city with so many things to do. it is a great place to socialise.
There is nothing that i do not like about Manchester