

Serial expat

American expat in Cambodia

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Sihanoukville

Registration: 08 December 2010


madmax888 created a thread
8 years ago

Had enough

This September, I will be leaving Cambodia for good. After nearly 6 years, I have had enough. Many of you long time posters know me, as my first thread was read thousands of times. What you don't know is that my wife, after 4 1/2 years of living ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago
john cockburn

Places to stay in Kampot by john cockburn

Hi Everyone I was wondering if anyone can recommend a nice place to stay in Kampot after Christmas this year for a week or two? Somewhere near the river/beach would be great around the $30 or less price range? Thanks a lot! John and Julie


I stayed at the Two Moons - very nice, decent food, nice units. on the river, Check on Agoda for current rates. Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

BAGELS! by madmax888

I dream about an honest-to-goodness East Coast American Bagel.., I keep telling these Khmers that a roll with a hole is NOT a bagel. Does anyone know if there are any REAL bagel places in this country? I know of ONE in Bangkok, run by a man named ...


Must be a new place, because I tried many in PP over the years. The next time I'm up there, I'll take a look, The last 3 places that SAID they had bagels showed me the usual roll with a hole. They MUST be boiled before baking or they ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Your experience of culture shock in Cambodia by Christine

Hi, Living in a foreign country implies to discover its culture, to learn and master the cultural codes. How did you deal with that? Share with us your culture shock stories where you experienced a funny or awkward moment in Cambodia. What ...


You should have told her that she should pay you $5 to watch. Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

sending mail from the states by gifford

Hi all, I am looking for the most economical and secure way to get a credit card sent from USA to Phnom Pehn. Thanks Gifford


Certainly do your best to get a post office box. Maybe a small "tip" might speed things up. It took me nearly a year to get mine. I have had mail sent from the states, regular air mail, and 1 out of maybe a dozen actually got here. They ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

sending mail from the states by gifford

Hi all, I am looking for the most economical and secure way to get a credit card sent from USA to Phnom Pehn. Thanks Gifford


You can also have them send it Priority Mail International - a USPS option. I have all my mail sent this way, with very few foul-ups. In fact, I am having a credit card sent to me this week, Via USPS Priority Mail. Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

BAGELS! by madmax888

I dream about an honest-to-goodness East Coast American Bagel.., I keep telling these Khmers that a roll with a hole is NOT a bagel. Does anyone know if there are any REAL bagel places in this country? I know of ONE in Bangkok, run by a man named ...


I don't exactly have a personal baker. Most of the bakeries here in Snooky are Khmer owned and operated. There are a few French bakeries I could ask. I would want them to make 3 dozen at least, to make it worth my, and their, time. The problem ... Read More

madmax888 created a thread
9 years ago


I dream about an honest-to-goodness East Coast American Bagel.., I keep telling these Khmers that a roll with a hole is NOT a bagel. Does anyone know if there are any REAL bagel places in this country? I know of ONE in Bangkok, run by a man named ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Driving in Cambodia by Maximilien

Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Cambodia? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess… what are the characteristics of the driving ...


Another thing to think about. If you hit a dog or cat with your car, DO NOT stop! There are, of course, no leash laws, and every Khmer for blocks will come running and wailing because you hurt, or killed their family pet. First thing they want is ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Writing a book on expat "mistakes and observations" in Cambodia! by lindascott2

Hello, I have the idea of writing a short book (or longer, depending on the responses I get!) on expats and their "mistakes, warnings, and/or observations" that they've seen. I'd really appreciate anything that would be ...


By the way, I did write much about the subject. It's most likely in the Archive here , under the title of "Anyone ever been given a woman? Well I have". It was quite lengthy, but covered a lot of areas. I would be glad to talk to ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Writing a book on expat "mistakes and observations" in Cambodia! by lindascott2

Hello, I have the idea of writing a short book (or longer, depending on the responses I get!) on expats and their "mistakes, warnings, and/or observations" that they've seen. I'd really appreciate anything that would be ...


Like what was said above, keep your eyes and ears open for the unexpected, and don't be surprised at the driver ahead, behind and on either side of you to do something totally different from what you might expect. Watch out for the guy ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Writing a book on expat "mistakes and observations" in Cambodia! by lindascott2

Hello, I have the idea of writing a short book (or longer, depending on the responses I get!) on expats and their "mistakes, warnings, and/or observations" that they've seen. I'd really appreciate anything that would be ...


I can tell you first hand that the above is true. The women here all think Farangs are all rich, even if you tell them 1,000 times that you are not. The women, and their families, for the most part, are all scheming on ways to get you to spend all ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Your experience of culture shock in Cambodia by Christine

Hi, Living in a foreign country implies to discover its culture, to learn and master the cultural codes. How did you deal with that? Share with us your culture shock stories where you experienced a funny or awkward moment in Cambodia. What ...


In general, I am treated OK in the markets, etc. But I have heard all to many stories of Farangs being ripped off by unscrupulous sellers of many things. I have been in Central America, South America, and Europe, and never witnessed the total lack ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Driving in Cambodia by Maximilien

Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Cambodia? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess… what are the characteristics of the driving ...


I find that many people here own cars just for the prestige of saying that they own one. My neighbor has a 90's era Toyota. So far, I have seen them drive it once. It sites in their driveway, or in the lot next to the house with a car cover on ... Read More

madmax888 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Driving in Cambodia by Maximilien

Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Cambodia? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess… what are the characteristics of the driving ...


One thing I learned early in my life here in Cambodia is to grow eyes on all sides of your head. Expect the unexpected. People will come out side streets, driveways, etc without looking for cross traffic. Right of way is who ever has the largest ... Read More